Geocaching at the Arboretum and Botanical Gardens

The summer holidays are over and I'm back to working. This week was a busy one and left me little time for posting. Next week will probably be the same but as the routine sets back in I can get back to my normal self here on Hive.

With the weekend being in full swing I'm gonna reminisce on a lovely day me and @emuse had about two weeks ago. Being the avid Geocachers we are we decided to visit one of our botanical gardens and arboretums we have here in Bergen. This turned into a much nicer day than either of us had anticipated.


What is Arboretet

The botanical gardens and the arboretum out here is part of the University Gardens in Bergen. It's run and drifted by the University of Bergen. Here you'll find trees, bushes and flowers from all over the world. This is done both as a display but also as a preservation project for endangered species.

On certain days, if the weather is right, you will find several cafes in the area where you can buy coffee, cakes and waffles. It's also a popular destination for both old and young due to the many nearby beaches.


Our Visit

This is not the first time we're here and far from it. We've been here several times both for geocaching and for leisure. We had already found all the geocaches hidden in and near the botanical gardens but we decided to take a stroll through it anyways. It's at its peak of beauty during the summer.

The place was quite crowded much thanks to the open cafe. They sold all sorts of treats like coffee, cakes, cookies, tea, iced tea and the list goes on. With the heat blasting us we decided to sit down for an iced coffee before heading out to the arboretum where we would be geocaching.




A lil' house sparrow (gråspurv) graced us with his presence.


The botanical gardens has a section inspired by Japan which is pretty cool.


With the iced coffee guzzled down it was time to get moving and find some geocaches. There was a bunch of them scattered throughout the whole arboretum and we found all of them! As we walked along the roads I was amazed at how lush the whole place was. Bushes were booming and flowers were thriving. If just every street could be the half of this. I really envy the people who live out here.

One geocache gave us a lot of trouble. We searched for it for almost half an hour before @emuse eventually found it after reading a hint in an earlier finders log. There were a lot of people around this place so we had to be a little stealthy with our searching.

Having eventually found it we rewarded ourselves with a waffle with some strawberry jam and sat down to just enjoy the view. This was close to a house called Blondehuset which is from the 1800s that was moved here for preservation. Pretty cool!






While our visit had been awesome so far my favorite part of this trip was when we got out to one of the beaches. It had a little island you could walk over to with some rocky areas all the way down by the seas. We sat down to splash our legs for a bit and just enjoyed the view and the sound of the waves until the sun went behind a rock.

I decided to give the IP certification of my iPhone a test so I did some photography close to the waters surface. I didn't want to dip it as the salt water may get in the microphones and speakers and close them. The small waves did smash up into my phone a couple of times and it's still working like a charm two weeks later.

I captured some pretty cool slow motion videos just above the waters surface but I didn't manage to get them into GIFs. I'll see if I can upload those sometime later as they were quite cool.













And that pretty much sums up this awesome day. We found three more geocaches after splashing out feet before sitting down to eat our packed lunch. On our way back to the bus we walked through a nice little patch of woods next to a lake. There were screaming children around so we quickly scurried through without taking any pictures.


All images in this post are taken by me and @emuse. For that reason part of the payouts will go to her.

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