Discovering the Wild: Mole National Park

A while back, I was so stressed out I decided to hop on a trip being organized by my school. The whole idea was to tour most parts of the northern region of Ghana. I had been schooling in the north for a while but the only place I knew was my school and so I just had to make good use of the opportunity, killing two birds with one stone.

Join me today as I take you on a journey with me to the Mole National Park of Ghana. Any Ghanaian who hears about Mole instantly thinks about elephants and that’s right. Among all the national parks in the country, Mole national park is know as the home of elephants and these elephants are not aggressive but there’s always those situations where they get aggressive due to we humans.

I went there because I wanted to see elephants but what I didn’t know is that there was a lot more to see. We arrived around 10am in the morning and from what the tour guide told us, if you wish to have the full experience, it’s advisable to come at night as that’s the time most of the animals come around. The park is located in the Savannah region of Ghana and covers an area of 4,577 kilometers square of land. The park is a home for not only elephants but also monkeys, some reptiles, lions, leopards, buffalos and many more. But once again, note that, the best to time to be to see these animals is at night.

Since we were already there, we decided to go around and have a loot. The park had trucks which could take you around the whole area but for me, I didn’t want to miss the whole experience so I opted to join the others to walk. There were literally animals at every corner you pass by. We weren’t allowed to tour alone as it wasn’t safe and so each group had a tour guide for security purposes. I was a bit scared but , your girl still had to take a shot with these elephants. Now, say cheese!😅

We weren’t allowed to get closer to the animal for our own safety so we were advised to stand a bit far away from them so as to not scare them. After about an hour and a half, we came to the end of our tour and we were on our way to our next destination. Next time you’re in Ghana or in the Northern part of Ghana, do well to visit the Mole National Park and I assure you, you’re going to love it :)

all images belong to me.

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