An Unforgettable Stop at the Nagarkot Suspension Bridge During Our Nepal Tour

We thought of staying at Thamel for another day and also wanted to stick to our plan! Finally, I decided to go to Nagarkot in the morning (the second morning in Nepal). The journey to Nagarkot from Thamel surprises us with brilliant landscapes, adventures, and cultural encounters. I always wanted to visit a Suspension Bridge and this was the time I searched for it and luckily found it on our way.


After passing Araniko Highway also, I found they called it Mid Hill Highway we turned to Nagarkot at our right as far as I recall. Soon we reached Bhaktapur which is another attraction of Nepal but we didn't stop there, we decided to go up to the Suspension Bridge but couldn't find the exact location of the bridge!
After talking with the locals, our driver confirmed to us that the bridge would be on the way to our destination and we found it after 1 hour of driving. Though it is just 32 kilometer away; due to the hill area and upward riding it took time. We stopped the car and start walking down the hill and tall green trees welcomed us, it was like a magical welcome by thease majestic trees!




I already fall in love this place; thease huge green trees most probably pine and rhododendron. Before reaching the bridge we found a beautiful women preparing her little shop and we asked if she could make cup of tea for us! Her hospilatity was perfact example of the local charm.
As we step near, we see the breathtaking 360 meter long Nagarkot Suspension Bridge. Suspended high above a lush green vally and of course we have seen water beneath thease trees! The bridge looks like floating while connecting two villages or I could say two world. The bridge hinging not less than 400feet above the water stream! Also, the height of the hill of the other part is about 5900 feet where Kahule Village located.


The bridge is made of sturdy steel cables! Whoever afraid of height not recommended to cross the bridge. While walking accross we felt strong wind also found cloudes in the distance, we enjoy stunning views: below us, the dense forest canopy stretches out endlessly. We stopped for an hour there but I wish to be there for at least a full day, I want to watch the morning the dusk, want to see the rain from the bridge! Oh God, we don't have time!




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