Zanzibar &Dodoma a month of Africa Journey

AFRİCA; a dream

I believe it is safe to say Africa is a magical continent. Even though there are many different countries that you can visit on the continent you can find one thing in common; it is one of the most beautiful places on earth you can see. With its wildlife, people, traditions, lifestyle, and very tasty fruits, being there feels like you saw a glimpse of heaven.

Last spring, I decided to head to Africa, where my boyfriend was working in an organization that helps villages find clean water sources.

Zanzibar İsland

First I headed to Dodoma where I stayed 10 days. The capital city of Tanzania. Every day we were visiting the villages, making sure all the processes was going right. Where I met a lot of lovely villagers with whom i got the chance to befriend.

"000028.JPG" Two Lovely girl i friended in Dodoma

We were staying in a wooden house in a campsite which was run by a nice dutch man who was the founder of EOTAS foundation, e deaf school in Dodoma. He came from Holland, fall in love with Africa, and stayed there to help the children.




Villages in Dodoma

After 10 days in Dodoma, we went ahead to Zanzibar, The Paradise İsland for a mini holiday.
Even though it is still in Tanzania, the weather and everything changes in Zanzibar. It is full of green, trees, fruits and spice farms.

A real heaven on earth.

We stayed in a traditional African house which was perfect. And spend our days wandering around. Sightseeing, walking for hours and swimming.

Jozani Forest in Zanzibar


In Jozani Forest, you can pay a little fee to see the monkeys without disturbing or feeding them, leaving them in their natural habitat in peace which was one of the best moments in my life. To be close to a free wild animal was a surreal experience

Stone Town Zanzibar

Paintings in Stone Town Market

A Village in Zanzibar

Indian Ocean

We spent 10 days in Zanzibar and then I went back to İstanbul, feeling like I saw heaven and come back to life again.
I feel incredibly lucky to be a part of this wonderful lifestyle, where people are genuinely happy.

Beautiful Zanzibar Beach

Thank you for reading, i hope you enjoyed it :)
All photos are taken by my old 90s Nikon Camera.

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