My Last Travel - Bodrum


The climbing area we went for our last climbing trip is a place near Bodrum, which is actually a very hot holiday spot in Turkey. It attracts many tourists and you can enjoy the place even if you don't climb, there are lots of beautiful places to see.


As King Edward VII said: ''One not only drinks wine, one smells it, observes it, tastes it, sips it and - one talks about it''

So i want to talk about my favorite place in Bodrum which is actually a small vineyard called Karnas Vineyards. The place is owned by a lovely couple ; Selva İşmen and Haluk İşmen. They run it since 2013 and Karnas Zinfandel wine is the only Zinfandel wine in Turkey. They got the inspiration to produce Zinfandel wine in Turkey during a summer vacation at Napa Valley in California since the climate is quite similar with Bodrum. And the wine is just delicious. Their Karnas Shiraz wines are awarded the best Shiraz Wine in Turkey in 2017. So if you are a wine lover you should definitely visit this place.


But the reason we come to Bodrum wasn't just to travel, it was for a climbing trip. I have been climbing for 2 years now. It has been told to reduce stress, makes you more confident , strengthens your body and overall a great work out.

But the way i see, climbing is all about the feeling of accomplishment. When you finish a route you have been trying for some time you will feel this intense feeling of success. And that makes you really addicted to it , in a good way.


And here is me on a boulder, just moments before that wonderful success feeling kicks in.

Thank you for reading!

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