Can this Place Really be Close to Home?

This post forms part of the #dreemport challenge in collaboration with @worldmappin. If you want to join in the fun, read this post to get all the information you need about this week's topic in the collaboration.

I love this week's topic of the challenge, as it fits right in with what I love to post about - traveling. Yet, even though we love traveling, it is not always possible to do so often due to time limitations and expenses involved in long-distance traveling.

But, we are blessed by living in an area that provides many opportunities to visit beautiful places without traveling long distances. That's what makes this week's topic perfect for me!

We live in the Outer-West Area of Durban on the east coast of South Africa. Durban is one of the most popular holiday destinations in South Africa. Whether you just want to take a break, have fun, enjoy the nightlife, or go on adventures, enjoy wildlife experiences, nature, beaches, hiking...the list goes on and on.

Being lovers of the ocean and nature lovers means we never have to feel locked up over weekends. We can visit some of the most spectacular places without having to travel excessively.

Yet, typical of human nature, you still expect the most beautiful places to be "far" from home. So, you don't start looking for these places "at your doorstep". We always started looking for places where we had to travel at least 20km+.

We always drove past Paradise Valley, but never paid close attention. We realized that it is a nature reserve, close to home... It could not really be all that impressive.

The Greater Durban (which we fall under) is your typical city and we live in a typical suburb in the bigger city. So, logic says, you need to get out of the city to experience true nature.

Until we decided it was time to go and see what Paradise Valley has to offer.

It is literally 6.6km from our home...a 12-minute drive.

So, let me show what we found...

Paradise Valley.

On arrival, we found that there were several hiking trails to choose from.


We chose the Waterfall Trail (#1 on the board) and wanted to go to the Waterfall Balcony (#7 on the board).


We were immediately impressed (and excited) by the little stream running below the rock formation beside us.


We barely started walking when we found this little wooden footbridge to cross over the stream.


Standing on the bridge, looking out over the water, with a picnic area being visible to the left.


Within minutes, it was hard to imagine that we were anywhere close to a city...


We were walking all along the stream with the stream to our left.


At times it would seem to open up a bit...


...but then (most of the time) it would feel as if we were entering deeper into the forest.


Along the way, we found some beautiful rocks, with the water finding its way around it.


From time to time we found an open space along the rocks where you could get closer to the water.


From here I was able to get some nice shots...


Looking downstream...



Then we arrived at the Waterfall Balcony.


Still, the small little stream...but we were standing just above the waterfall (you can see the edge to the right in the photo).


Going a little lower, another shot of the "little stream" approaching the waterfall (photo taken from the safety of the


And then...the waterfall!



One last shot from the top in "portrait" to give you the full view of the waterfall before we start moving down to the bottom.


We returned to the footpath and followed it down to the bottom of the waterfall.


Standing at the bottom...



Zooming in the waterfall...


I guess we were also fortunate in the sense that it was a quiet day and there were not many people around.

While at the waterfall, we were the only people there.

The only sound we could hear was the waterfall and the joyful singing of birds at times.

If you knocked me out and dropped me there before I woke up, I would never have guessed that I am anywhere close to

Could this be in the middle of Greater Durban? Hard to believe, let alone being only 12 minutes away from a normal, typical, built-up suburb.

Yet, here we were, just my wife and I, with a perfect opportunity to just sit there and drink in nature and admire the beauty around us...(she didn't know I took this photo until


And that's it for today, folks. And yes, ironically, this was close to home, but believe didn't feel that way!

Thank you for reading my post! I do appreciate it!

Paradise Valley on worldmappin

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