Kassandras journey: Closer to heaven - a short trip to Armenia Highlands

Armenia has called me for a long time. And now, after our short trip to the Northwest Highlands of this small mountain country in the Caucasus, I'm already longing for more of this place closer to heaven.

On Kassandras journey we had been close already: At their holy mountain, the magic majestic Ararat. Which happens to be on Turkish territory, just some kilometers from the closed Armenian boarder. But that epic part of our journey is for another post. I met Armenian traces on Cyprus, in Turkish Mersin district and near Antakya, where we lived before the earthquake. The biggest part of the Armenian highlands are outside of today's boarders of the country.

Getting closer

But this time Kassandra came through Georgia, and the magic began already on the plane before reaching the boarder. Suddenly the heavy hot humid atmosphere had gone, fresh oxygen and pure air made us breathe deep and relax. Though there were still thunders around us, cleaning off the rest during the night. We had not realized we had reached the highlands, over 1000 meters above sea levels. Space, air, horizon, sky! A vision of towering high rocky peaks in the south.

Next morning we still had to pass a truck traffic jam, for one Georgian TIR truck had turned upside down in a steep hairpin curve; and later some 3 hours of bureaucratic trouble to pass the boarder controls. But then Armenia welcomed us with the most beautiful weather and views! Even the rocks at a quarry seemed to smile at us.

View out of Kassandras side windows
View out of Kassandras side windows


See the pics and try to catch a bit of the feeling. They were about to harvest the last crop and hay. Yellow grasslands covering the smooth rounded rolling hills, tiny villages nestled in the valleys, green from their gardens and trees. Mountain tops far far away on the low horizon. The few clouds sailing very low around us. It really feels like heaven got closer. And indeed, where does the sky begin?

Right above the ground. We are bathing in it when we stand upright. And we breathe it in and out: clear blue sky.

Hay getting stocked for the winter and bricks cut out of cow dung, as it looks. Winters are long and cold up here, i guess. Lots of little old farming machines and cars still in use. I think they are better for those little farms and fields, not destroying that much, they can reach everywhere, you can always fix them. And, best of it, they are paid off!

Certainly, this life is quite poor and quite some work, and no or few of that luxury we are told we need. But it seems there are a lot more people here outbalanced and satisfied with their living. They look in your face and smile and keep the smartphone in the pocket. That was our clear impression, though we had no language to talk with them.

Natural Beauty and World Cradle

natural shape, or human?
natural shape, or human?

From the village we stayed i took a walk around, the amazing rocks, the fertile land, the wild pastures down to the little river. It is rare to see that much birds of prey as in Armenia, and though looking yellow and sparse, the meadow was rich in herbs and flowers and little animals. Like this salamander on a rock top 20 meters above the river. Around the gorge there are still whole terraces sliding down and huge rocks seem very unstable. Here rumbled a heavy earthquake 30 years ago. Further down in the valley at the end of the gorge i find that old monastery and source. But that is to be a post on its own.

Marmashen Monastery
Marmashen Monastery

These volcanic highlands were among the first in domestication of livestock, in casting of bronze and working iron, the land where Noah landed with its Ark to start human culture anew. Apparently the Armenians trace their origin back directly to a Giant being grandson of Noah. And Armenian Language seems to be source of many others, not having a known source itself.

Short trip around

Source of their culture is the sacred Aragats, a 4000m Volcano with four peaks and several crystal clear lakes. Here on the pics we see only the northern 2 mountain tops.

Aragats peaks
Aragats peaks


After another wonderful starry night close to heaven, no lights and no one around, directly under the milky way, we leave the area of Gjumri for a day. This town itself will get a post on its own as well.

On the road towards East we drive through more epic landscapes, to more green, bit by bit more narrow valleys and more dense forests. I'd have loved to continue further and climb up to Lake Sevan, but that was not for this time.

coffee time!
coffee time!

traditional public transport
traditional public transport

The way back on our short trip to the highlands, Mother Armenia from Gjumri waving Goodbye. With a bushel of wheat and a cup of wine, i presume.

Mother Armenia, Gjumri
Mother Armenia, Gjumri

Now 1 post written and having promised 3 new ones, i hope you like it and come back for the next!

As always, all text and pics from me, and all free from AI and PhotoShopping!

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