A Sublime Sunday having Luncheon on the Cape Cod Canal

Today I'm sharing my video as a #SublimeSunday inspired by @c0ff33a and #BeautifulSunday is initiated by @ace108. I'm also feeling rather like a travel blogger in my own village.

I have a little cottage in a tiny village on Cape Cod and we've many seaside attractions. Today, the attraction was luncheon on the canal at our local restaurant and fish market.

The Fish Market

Of course the restaurant is on the other side of the market but it is indeed where the catches come in from the fisherman into Sandwich marina. Can't get any fresher than when you are on the boat.

My amazing sushi

The only fresher sushi we've had is when we had our sailboat and we'd anchor off cuttyhunk island and a local sushi boat would come around and make it for you on the boat as you watched...that was always a magical time...I miss that boat, but not the cost.

You can watch the fishing boats come in as they pass thru the canal with a view of the Sagamore bridge in the distance (there are two bridges to access the Cape, Sagamore and Bourne.)

Fishing vessel in the canal

I was surprised and happily amazed at this fine gentleman doing his Qigong there on the canal outside the windows of the restaurant.

Gentleman doing Qigong

It was a chilly day as well so God bless him, I wasn't sure if he was a restaurant worker or a local taking advantage of the lovely spot.

I couldn't help but watch him mesmorized, I hope you enjoy his actions in my video. I didn't think it innapropriate as he was doing it in front of the windows for all to see and many were happily enjoying it. It's as if he took us all in and we found a zen place with his movements and the water's current and the fishing boats passing by.

Fishing boats in the Cape Cod Canal en route to the Sandwich marina.

Well, I hope you enjoy my little video and if you find yourself in Sandwich MA on Cape Cod, check out the Aptly named "Fishermans's View Restaurant and Fish marekt" A great spot for sushi as well as

good ole' Fish and chips.

I hope you get a moment to enjoy some travel if not , take a 'trip or holiday' in your own village or city.

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