My Perfect View of the West Philippine Sea via Cape Bojeador Lighthouse, Burgos, Ilocos Norte, Philippines!


Cape Bojeador Lighthouse
The Highest Elevated Lighthouse in the Philippines

After our quick stops in the Malacañang of the North, the Bacarra Church, and the Salt-Making Huts, we went to Burgos, Ilocos Norte to stop by at Cape Bojeador Lighthouse.

Going there was easy for us because we were just riding our tour van. But the van stopped at the foot of the mountain because it was not allowed to go further up. So, we needed to ride a tricycle going to the area. I think they do that to give livelihood to the locals or the tricycle drivers. And that is totally okay for me.

This spanish-colonial period lighthouse is actually the highest elevated lighthouse in the Philippines which is still functional up until today. Thus, making it popular to the tourists.



Let's Start the Tour !

When we were dropped by the tricycle driver at the foot of Cape Bojeador Lighthouse, I spotted a good area for Grace and I to sit down. Our friends, France and Ann were very kind to take a photo of us. Well, I really find these two photos very cute. The blue and vast ocean was perfectly complimentend with the greens of the leaves and trees.


We arrived there around 10AM in the morning so it was very hot already. However, it did not stop to us make a quick video clip because of this very beautiful view of the lighthouse, the blue skies, and the staircase.

Yes, we needed to climb this maybe-above-fifty-steps-staircase to go to the main entrance. The climb plus the heat during that time really made us sweat a lot, but it was surely paid off when we were able to see the beautiful view up there.

Our tour guide paid the entrance fee, so we did not have any idea of the prize. Surely, it is not that much, maybe a dollar or less.

Going there, I was really hoping I could enter and climb up the lighthouse but it was closed. Tourists were not allowed to go inside the lighthouse. We had no choice but to follow their protocols. So, Grace and I, together with our friends just enjoyed our time taking pictures of ourselves and the spectacular view. The situation of not being able to climb the lighthouse may have dissappointed us a little, but the joyful moments of seeing the northwestern most part of the country had washed that dissapointments away. Imagine, we were facing the vast West Philippine Sea which I only see on TV.


There was only very small area on the foot of the lighthouse. So, taking a picture of the lighthouse was difficult plus the swarming of tourists. So, I decided to just have a worms-eyeview picture of the lighthouse.


This side of the lighthouse was congested with so many people already so Grace and I decided to check the other areas. We went down the stairs leading to the vacant rooms and mini-museum featuring the ancient equipment used in the lighthouse.


I felt like modeling the equipment in this area of the room. But before holding these equipment, I checked first the area if there was a sign saying not to hold these things but there was none. Do not worry guys, I carried and held these things very carefully.



Grace and I checked the other rooms and I asked her to take photos of me. She refused to have one because she felt something strange here. She was afraid that the picture would print spiritual elements, like a ghost or a lost soul.


Here are some of the other photos I took inside the creepy rooms as per my wife. But for me they are simply just items that they want to preserve. But, I hope I do not sound like I was invalidating the feelings of my wife.


The last area I checked with Grace was the lanai. It also got a beautiful view of the ocean. Grace and I had to make quick photos here because we were given signals already that we would proceed to our next destination.


Final Say!

I would give this destination an 9/10 rating because of the breathtaking view. Also, we should appreciate the people behind the keeping and maintenance of this lighthouse and the whole area because they were able to preserve this very old structure. And until now, this lighthouse is still functional.

Anyways, if you have read until this point thank you so much. I hope you enjoyed this blog. See you on my next post! 🫰



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