A Fairy Tale: Monkey Forest, Ubud Bali


Another weekend just passed. Weekend means for a trip. Yeay! On last friday I went to another tourist spot in Bali that located in Ubud. Can yall guess? I bet you already know because of the picture above. Yes! I finally went to Monkey Forest. You guys must wondering why I said 'finally'. I've been living here for awhile but I still haven't go to this one of the famous spot in Bali. I know.. I know.. but yeah I finally got a chance to go there.

This place is located in center of Bali which is Ubud. It take 1 hour from Canggu with a motorbike and yes, if there is a traffic it could probably take much more. Ubud is a part of Bali that is 'cold area'. We can't find any beach but mountain. If you getting tired with beaches view and want to go somewhere cold, Ubud is perfect.




It charge 5USD/person to get in to the Monkey Forest. It is basically a forest as you know from the name. So we have to walk around to see the monkeys.


The view of the 2nd entrance with a big fish pond both right and left side that are full of koi. "IMG_4502.jpg"




Monkey Forest is also known as Mandala Suci Wenara Wana. In this place there are approximately 749 long-tailed monkeys ( Macaca fascicularis ) (63 adult males, 34 juvenile males, 219 adult females, 29 young females, 167 juvenile 1 (2-3 years), 118 juvenile 2 (1-2 years). ), 63 Infant old (5-12 months) and 56 infant.

"IMG_4454.jpg" The first view when we get in after we passed a short cave like the pictures above. This is one of the big trees in this Monkey Forest. Also look at mama monkey breastfeeding her baby. Cuteness overload😍


The tourist enjoying the show by taking pictures of the monkeys playing and being silly to eachother in a pond. "IMG_4456.jpg"

Here we are at the bridge that will take us to another spot. Looks amazingly scary I'm not gonna lie to you.. "IMG_4467.jpg"



This is from the bottom view. Gives me chills... "IMG_4185.jpg"

We found another monkeys! They just chillin. "IMG_4450-1.jpg"

The staff feeding a monkey in the temple. Adorable moment😍 "IMG_4473.jpg"

I know monkeys are cute but sometimes theyre not that friendly. Don't worry, if the worst case you get attacked or bitten by monkeys here, there is an emergency help to help you out. They say there are never cases that people that got rabies or anything serious after monkey's attacked here in Monkey Forest.


This picture is my second fav after the one that I post in the beginning of the article. He' napping so cute! "IMG_4481.jpg"

Everything is just a land of forest basically. "IMG_4183.jpg"



They put these poor little monkeys in the cage because the other monkey is blind and the other one doesnt have a hand. It is okay guys, it is for the best. Imagine if they let them both in the wild . The chances of they can survive is really small. "C62CBA06-83B6-473A-8984-80337EF337C9.jpeg"

Another group of monkeys that chilling in the pond. "IMG_4191.jpg"

He taking selfies! Cheese! "IMG_4195.jpg"



I would suggest you to not wear anything that is probwbly attract the monkeys and DO NOT bring any food. Well some people say you can, and you can ask the staffthat work there for a help to guide if you really want to feed the monkeys. But for me personally, no I dont want to get attacked by some monkeys. Betterbe safe! "IMG_4180.jpg"




Time for Chacha's rating!

Chacha rating:

A. Atmosphere: 9/10
The athmosphere there is intens. I mean it is a forest that full of monkeys with a touch of Balinese culture. Before I get there, I thought I'm gonna get bitten by monkeys but ended up they don't even care about me I guess Lol.

B. Romance 5/10
Well, if you are a couple we doesnt fear anything I would say yes. Nah, actually I'm being dramatic. Of course you can bring your dates here to get new adventoures and knowledge about Balinese culture. But I would suggest you to ask yourdate first because not everyone loves monkeys..

C. Shut up and take my money 8/10
There are alot of shops right one of the exit. They're sell the same stuff just like other tourist places in Bali

D. Location 7/10
It takes 1hour for me from Canggu to get there. I didnt passed any traffic.

E. Chacha feed 8/10
I've seen some warungs ans restaurant right on the exit as well. I didn't get a chance to try because we already went for lunch before we came to Monkey Forest.


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