"Prodigy Kid" an Italian art exhibition🇮🇹

In this post I will take you to an exhibition that recently took place in the Ravenna museum.
A beautiful place that has always given space to contemporary art and emerging artists as well as possessing a vast collection of ancient paintings and statues "made in Italy".🇮🇹


last week the works of two artists were exhibited who, in addition to having great skill in painting and sculpture, have also mastered the mosaic technique which is taught in Ravenna and much appreciated by the inhabitants.

Leonardo Pivi and Francesco Cavaliere are very cultured people who have been able to mix elements of pop culture with stories of demons, ancient legends in a very suggestive way.
This is their "Prodigy Kid" exposition✨

Senza titolo-1.png

In this part I will deal with the works created by Leonardo Pivi and later in a future post I will also show the works of Francesco Cavaliere, and the art pieces created in collaboration.

Leonardo in some of his interviews admits that he plays a lot with the duality of things and with hidden symbols both in the old and in the new culture.

Baboon is a very old-looking work and yet the red decorations and the dentures that are used in the mouth are made from the same resin used by dentists!


This statue portrays a man worshiping a god. it was made of reinforced concrete and underneath it hides a face that unfortunately cannot be seen.😭

"atto di preghiera"

it is also wonderful to see the use he makes of materials first by creating unstable constructions above a bust and even using wood and stuffed animals for the sake of

"busto d'uomo con cocorita"

here is a version of "Baboon" made with mosaic
"Ultima cena"

"Museo delle bestie"


This is one of the works that I liked the most for the choice of characters you can understand the essence of the artist just from this way of combining completely unrelated elements!

"Puffo e nave romana"

Another thing I really appreciated is this collection of works inspired by magazine covers and made in micro-mosaic.


and obviously Dante, an icon of Ravenna and a true literary genius, could not be missing!

and there's no shortage of controversial characters like Osama Bin Laden and there's even a cover dedicated to David Bowie!
it is also wonderful to see some icons of videogame culture such as Lara Croft made with mosaic

This work has a more cryptic meaning and its way of being used can be seen from a screen.

on the head there is a hole in which it is possible to insert iron instruments to be sterilized with fire... This is just a guess though😅

another mosaic that I appreciated was his self-portrait together with the Muppets characters, the colors are really vivid just like the original characters that we all remember a bit from our childhood.✨


These were the exhibited works of Leonardo Pivi,
In the next part I would like to bring the works of Francesco Cavaliere, an artist even more abstract than his friend Leonardo who works mainly with sounds and raw materials.

Here is a preview of Francesco's works, sometimes simple and sometimes complex and characterized by the artist's attention to portray physical and psychic processes.

Let me know what you think of this exhibition, if a particular image struck you💥, personally I was very impressed by it and it was very pleasant to read up on the works while composing this post.
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