Tripping Over Old Stones - or Exploring Forgotten Ruins | Greece Travel Diary

I don't do much sightseeing. In fact, I haven't visited even one of the famous historic places here in Greece.

It just doesn't seem to be the right time for me (don't even know if they would let me in) and I'm more interested in nature and the overall atmosphere of a country right now.

But there are still those places that haven't made it into the tour guides, that are overgrown and forgotten.

And I love those! Maybe they are not as spectacular and well preserved, but I can roam around there freely, exploring on my own, and try to imagine what life had looked like when those structures were new and still in use.

I had seen this old fort from another hill where we had stopped to have breakfast, and I thought this could be a nice and quiet place to stay for one or two nights.

So we drove up there and in the afternoon I went on a little exploration trip and took a look behind the old and partly destroyed stone walls.

You can see old castles and forts like this everywhere in Greece, there's one on almost every hill and mountain. 

I haven't done much research into the official historic narrative, but I think they tell us these are from the era of the Osman Empire.

Some of them are cared for, they build parking lots in front of them for the tourists and tell us nice stories about what had supposedly happened there; and some, like this one, just sit here on their hill tops and slowly get reclaimed by nature.

This one basically was a big wall surrounding an area where I could see the remains of some smaller structures totally overgrown by the vegetation.

The walls are very high and super thick,  probably about one meter, in some places even more. So enough to walk and sit on them and and enjoy the great view over the beautiful little bay :)

I really enjoyed my little exploration and felt like a child again roaming around in these ruins, always careful not to fall over one of the rocks that were hiding under the vegetation.

Also we had two pleasantly quite nights up there, only one or two cars passing by during the day. 

So we had lots of time to start learning some new songs! (even busking can get a little boring when you play the same songs over and over ^^)

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all photos taken by me

Love, Ana <3

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