The great Pacific Ocean: Characteristics and problems affecting it.

The Pacific Ocean is the largest in extension and depth on Earth. The Pacific Ocean covers 155 million square kilometers starting on the west coast of America to the east coast of Asia and its depth is estimated at more than 4000 meters. Its name is due to the explorer Ferdinand Magellan who in 1520 after going through various problems and threats in his first expedition he found a sea of calm waters and named it the Pacific.


But how peaceful is this ocean really? What the explorer Magellan did not know at the time, marine sciences, technology and man's curiosity in years of oceanographic research have discovered. Today it is known that the Pacific Ocean concentrates the most exotic and unique species and forms of life that inhabit the depths of the sea. In addition to the largest number of stories and legends that revolve around what is still unknown of the great Pacific Ocean.

Its characteristics are also part of the problems that affect it:


The strongest hurricanes originate in the Pacific Ocean. Of the strongest that are counted a few years after its massive destruction is remembered in 2018 to super Typhoon Mangkhut where the strength of its storm winds exceeded 265 thousand kilometers per hour that caused landslides with fatalities, massive destruction of residential areas and environmental damage.

Frequent seismic and volcanic activity. The Pacific Ocean is home to the well-known "Pacific Ring of Fire". The zone of volcanic and seismic activity that surrounds its edges is 40,000 kilometers long and its tectonic plates are constantly sliding and colliding, causing seismic activity and deepening trenches.


The Mariaras Trench. The deepest trenches on the planet are located in the Mariaras located in the belt of fire east of the Philippines is an area that is home to a large number of creatures that can exist without light and withstand the strong pressure of the depths. In these pits there are species not yet known or studied by man, which constitute a real challenge for humanity.

Ocean acidification and the slick. According to scientific research the PH of the ocean has decreased 0.1% which has increased by 30% the acidification of the ocean, this generates the disappearance of clams and corals that require the production of calcium carbon for their shells, which is not generated due to the acid in the water. On the other hand, between 2014 and 2016 a stain originated in the ocean that was the cause of the death of a large number of marine species due to the increase in water temperature due to climate change.

The great garbage patch of the Pacific Ocean. Although this is not a nice feature, rather demonstrates our irresponsibility with the planet, the truth is that it exists and is located between Hawaii and California, is a large island of microplastics and ghost gear, ie abandoned nets that protrudes and pollutes the sea and is a threat to the life of the species that are around or pass through there in times of migration to other waters.


Overfishing and whaling. Overfishing in the Pacific Ocean is a product of overexploitation and deep-sea fishing that has caused the decline of large quantities of fish and marine species, indiscriminate fishing generates great environmental damage and is extinguishing much of the fish that inhabit the Pacific Ocean.

I hope this summary of some important facts that allow us to know the ocean better, in addition to raising awareness about its care, will be of benefit to all readers. If you know anything about the Pacific Ocean and want to share it, I look forward to hearing from you in the comments.


Secrets of the Pacific Ocean. National Geographic.

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