Šetnja u hladnoj prazničnoj noći.❄️✨🎄A walk on a cold holiday night.❄️✨🎄

Znate onaj osećaj kad vam neka sreća preplavi telo a ne znate odakle je došla? E to je prava sreća. Nema povoda, sama dodje nepozvana. Mislim da se to dešava kad ništa ne tražimo, neočekujemo, samo pustimo život na miru. Tada nas on počasti iskrama spontane radosti.
Iz ovakvih momenata život treba da se sastoji. Bez prisile, bez kontrole. . .

You know that feeling when some happiness floods your body and you don't know where it came from? And that is real happiness. There is no reason, she comes uninvited by herself. I think that happens when we don't ask for anything, we don't expect anything, we just let life alone. Then he treats us to sparks of spontaneous joy.
Life should consist of such moments. No coercion, no control. . .




Danima smo u prazničnom raspoloženju, često idemo u goste i oni kod nas, pa zato prvom prilikom pozovem ćerku u šetnju. Ova noć nam je donela prvi sneg ali i nisku temperaturu.

We are in a festive mood for days, we often visit our guests, so I invite my daughter for a walk at the first opportunity. This night brought us the first snow but also a low temperature.



We wanted to leave a mark, so we drew with our cold fingers on the surface of the car where the first snow had fallen.




Hodajući polupraznom ulicom, posmatrale smo tople domove i pitale se da li i ostali ljudi osećaju radost prvog zimskog snega ispijajući tople čajeve?

Walking along the half-empty street, we looked at the warm homes and wondered if other people also feel the joy of the first winter snow while drinking hot teas.




Sneg je već ozbiljno počeo da veje. Šume oko ovog malog grada su se zabelele. Bio je to odličan povod da smišljamo bajku prisećajući se Snežne kraljice. Hodajući u mirnoj noći, ostavljale smo tragove iza nas jer se sneg nije zaustavljao. Stigle smo do naše kuće. Uhvatile smo zamrznutu kvaku i uželele se toplog doma.

  • Devojke!
  • Da?
  • Da li ste se smrzle? Čeka vas čaj i topla večera!
    Kako je lepo kada te neko dočeka. . .❣️❄️

The snow has already begun to blow in earnest. The woods around this small town have turned white. It was a great occasion to make up a fairy tale, remembering the Snow Queen. Walking in the still night, we left tracks behind us because the snow did not stop. We reached our house. We grabbed a frozen doorknob and longed for a warm home.

  • Girls!
  • Yes?
  • Did you freeze? Tea and a hot dinner await you!
    How nice it is when someone welcomes you. . .❣️❄️

Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.

Greetings from Anka vregolana!

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