Rana jesen u parku.🍁 Early autumn in the park.🍁

Vremenska prognoza kaže, još danas će biti toplo. Isplanirala sam da. Trebalo je još danas da odem na jezero jer od sutra je najavljen pad temperature. Ali ništa nije ispalo kako sam planirala.🫤
Jurnjava ceo dan. A mislila sam da je za vikend vreme za odmaranje? 😒
Pred kraj dana katastrofa. Dok sam vozila bicikl, jurili su me psi. Zamalo da me ujedu. Kao noćna mora.😥 Jedino lep deo dana je bila šetnja po jesenjem parku i žutom lišću. . .

The weather forecast says it will still be warm today. I planned to. I should have gone to the lake today because the temperature has been forecast to drop from tomorrow. But nothing turned out as I planned.
Chasing all day. And I thought the weekend was the time to rest? 😒
Near the end of the day, disaster.
While I was riding my bike, I was chased by dogs. I almost got bitten.
I almost got hit by a car. Like a nightmare. 😥 The only nice part of the day was the walk in the autumn park and the yellow leaves. . .





Dok sam koračala, lišće je šuštalo pod mojim nogama, a sunce je šetalo samnom prelivajući se preko drveća i staze praveći divne slike od senki.

As I walked, the leaves rustled under my feet and the sun walked with me, pouring over the trees and the path making wonderful shadow pictures.




Uźivala dam nailazeći na skrivene stubove, amfiteatar, kućicu od drveta.igralište . .

I enjoyed coming across hidden pillars, an amphitheater, a wooden house, a playground. .






Pažnju mi je prvuklo kestenje koje se odvojilo od njegove kore. Bilo je mnogo simbolike u tome. Kao život. Trebamo se osloboditi neprijatnog oklopa da bi se videla naša lepota. Nadam se da me razumete. . .

The first thing that caught my attention was a chestnut that had separated from its bark. There was a lot of symbolism in it. Like life. We need to get rid of the uncomfortable armor so that our beauty can be seen. I hope you understand me. . .






Nastavila sam šetnju i zastala kod predivne fontane koja je ispuštala umirujuće zvuke vode. Kao meditacija. S vremena na vreme se videla duga kroz kaplice vode.

I continued my walk and stopped at a beautiful fountain that made soothing sounds of water. Like meditation. From time to time a rainbow could be seen through the chapels of water.



Ispod fontane, gledala sam predivan prizor opalog lišća u vodi koji su izgledali kao čamci koji mirno plove bez kormilara koji ne dolaze niotkuda i ne idu nigde. Samo uźivaju na suncu plutajući bez cilja. . .

Under the fountain, I watched a wonderful sight of fallen leaves in the water that looked like boats sailing peacefully without a helmsman coming from nowhere and going nowhere. They just enjoy the sun floating aimlessly. . .






Park je zaista izgledao veličanstveno. Spektar boja oko mene. Mir i tišina. Drveće je širilo krošnje ka nebu kao dete koje koje želi zagrliti roditelja. . .

The park really looked magnificent. A spectrum of colors around me. Peace and quiet. The trees spread their crowns towards the sky like a child wanting to hug its parent. . .





Bilo je vreme da idem, čekale su me obaveze. Teško je otići od nečeg lepog, ali takav je život. Moramo nešto pustiti da bi opet došlo. Dragi hajveri, zelim vam da uživate u svakom lepom danu, jer često olako shvatamo ono što nam udje u život. Želim vam prijatno veče i lepe snove. . .💫✨

It was time to go, I had responsibilities waiting for me. It's hard to walk away from something beautiful, but that's life. We have to let something go in order for it to come again. Dear Hiveri, I wish you to enjoy every beautiful day, because we often take things lightly that enter our lives. I wish you a pleasant evening and sweet dreams. . .💫✨

Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.

Greetings from Anka vregolana!

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