Perfect day! ☀️🌤☀️

Nekada ambicioznost treba kontrolisati. Nekada nešto ne možete iako to želite. Od juče me bole ledja jer se pre vežbanja nisam zagrejala. Uglavnom pomaže mirovanje što sam i učinila do jednog momenta. A onda sam kroz prozor ugledala slikovito plavo nebo puno belih oblaka. Ipak sam odlučila da napravim kratku šetnju. Naravno, procenila sam koliko dugo mogu da šetam bez puno napora. Nisam se pokajala. Uz malo napora, dan me je isvežio i napunio energijom. Sada ćete videti zašto. . .

Sometimes ambition needs to be controlled. Sometimes you can't do something even though you want to. My back hurts since yesterday because I didn't warm up before exercising. Resting mostly helps, which I did up to a point. And then through the window I saw a picturesque blue sky full of white clouds. However, I decided to take a short walk. Of course, I estimated how long I could walk without much effort. I did not repent. With little effort, the day made me happy and full of energy. Now you will see why. . .



Dok sam junački hodala tražeći balans protiv bola, sunce je ipak unosilo radost i prijatan osećaj. . .

While I walked heroically looking for a balance against the pain, the sun still brought joy and a pleasant feeling. . .



Pomislila sam kako sam tek počela da punim baterije. Nastavila sam šetnju. Beli oblaci su plovili iznad moje glave. Izgledalo je kao žičara koja prevozi putnike sa jedne planete na drugu. Sunce je milovali moje lice i kao da me je uveravali da će sve biti u redu, da će mi šetnja pomoći. Imala sam poverenja. . .

I thought how I had just started to charge the batteries. I continued walking. White clouds floated above my head. It looked like a cable car transporting passengers from one planet to another. The sun caressed my face and seemed to assure me that everything would be fine, that the walk would help me. I had confidence. . .



Dok sam prolazila gradom, drveće me je pozdravljalo šuštanjem lišća na tihom povetarcu. Pomislila sam u sebi, kakav dan! Kao da šetam izmedju redova neke romantične knjige iz 19. veka. Deca su trčala, dovikivala se i jela sladoled dok su se golubovi borili za bačene mrvice hleba slučajnih prolaznika. Ugledala sam predivnu baštu sa divnim stolnjacima. Poželela sam da sednem i popijem kafu, ali nekako mi se učinilo kao da će nestati magija prekrasnog dana, nastavila sam.

As I passed through the city, the trees greeted me with leaves rustling in the gentle breeze. I thought to myself, what a day! It's like walking between the lines of a romantic book from the 19th century. Children ran, shouted and ate ice cream while pigeons fought for bread crumbs thrown by passers-by. I saw a beautiful garden with wonderful tablecloths. I wanted to sit down and have a coffee, but somehow it felt like the magic of the beautiful day would disappear, I continued.



Vratila sam se najširom ulicom punom zelenila. Jednim uhom sam čula žuborenje fontane, drugim cvrkut ptica. Toliko sam se unela da sam zaboravila da uslikam. Ali morate mi verovati na reč, jer pričati o nečemu što niste videli je teško. Ponela sam sa sobom radost sa ulica i poneki oblačak koji ću pokušati da naslikam. . .🌥☀️🌤

I returned along the widest street full of greenery. With one ear I heard the gurgling of the fountain, the chirping of the birds with the other. I got so carried away that I forgot to take a picture. But you have to take my word for it, because talking about something you haven't seen is hard. I brought with me the joy from the streets and some clouds that I will try to paint. . .🌥☀️🌤

Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.

Greetings from Anka vregolana!

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