Momenti iz noćne šetnje.✨🌙Moments from a night walk.✨🌙

Oduvek sam volela kada neki ljudi pričaju kroz poeziju i svoj govor dovedu do savršenstva. Ja nisam ni blizu ali me jako privlači pa sam godinama pokušavala da se približim tom stilu. S obzirom da sam više vizuelna tip, večeras ću vam prikazati poeziju kroz fotografije koje sam večeras napravila u noćnoj šetnji.Uživajte u prelepom kadru šetališta gde ljudi opušteno pričaju o svojim verovatno najlepšim utiscima dana ili bar ja tako želim da vidim.

I have always loved when some people talk through poetry and bring their speech to perfection. I'm not even close, but I'm very attracted to it, so I've been trying to get closer to that style for years. Since I'm more of a visual guy, tonight I'm going to show you poetry through the photos I took tonight on a night walk. Enjoy the beautiful shot of the promenade where people casually talk about their probably best impressions of the day or so I want to see.


Odlučila sam noćas da udahnem svež vazduh koji nam daruje noć jer su preko dana temperature opet visoke. Klima se jako promenila, ali čarobna noć uvek izmami i najumornije gradjane...✨

Tonight I decided to breathe in the fresh air that the night gives us because the temperatures are high again during the day. The climate has changed a lot, but a magical night always tempts even the most tired townspeople...✨


Moćne lampe su u meni uvek budile neku čudnu nostalgiju detinjstva. Sećam se da sam kao dete umela satima da posmatram Mesec.

Powerful lamps have always awakened in me some strange childhood nostalgia. I remember that as a child I could watch the moon for hours. 🌙🌙🌙


Ubrzo mi je pogled privukla stara kuća koju su ovih dana renovirali. Drago mi je da su zadržali autentičan izgled ove lepe kapitalne gradjevine.

Soon, my eyes were drawn to the old house that was being renovated these days. I'm glad they kept the authentic look of this beautiful capital building


Povratak je bio zanimljiv prolazeći kroz portu, dvorište prelepe Pravoslavne crkve koja je krasila centar grada šireći neki čudan mir.

The return was interesting, passing through the port, the courtyard of the beautiful Orthodox Church that adorned the center of the city, spreading a strange peace.


Privukla me je još bliže svojom moćnom lepotom. Pristala sam bez razmišljanja.

She drew me even closer with her powerful beauty. I agreed without thinking.


Odmah prekoputa je Vladičanski dvor. Moćna arhitektura i neobičan zlatno zeleni krov krasi ovaj dvorac. Zar ne?

Right across the street is the Bishop's Palace. Powerful architecture and an unusual golden green roof adorn this castle. Is not it?


I na kraju...oh, kao šlag na torti, Katedrala Svetog Gerharda. 🤗❤️
Najveća i najmoćnija od svih. Kraljica noći...bila je tamo da mi poželi laku noć, a ja ću poželeti vama dragu Hajveri. ✨🌙✨

And finally...oh, for the icing on the cake, St. Gerhard's Cathedral. 🤗❤️
The biggest and most powerful of them all. The Queen of the Night...she was there to wish me good night, and I will wish you dear Hivery. ✨🌙✨

Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.

Greetings from Anka vregolana!

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