Let it be. . .

Danas je bilo sve kako nisam planirala, ali pogodite ŠTA?
Svidelo mi se! Dan je zapravo ispao savršen jer je to bio spoj dobrote i uživanja. ❤️☀️
Plan je bio da ceo dan provedem na bregu, a onda. . .
Jutro. Vežbanje. Musli. Topao i vedar dan. Odlučila sam da odem na plivanje.Sela sam na bicikl i otišla na jezero. Žuborenje vode, ribe meditativno plivaju oko mene. Sunce me mazi idealnom temperaturom. Nakon nekoliko sati, vratila sam se kući. Lubenica! Odlazim u radnju da je kupim. Nakon nekoliko zalogaja, zvoni telefon. Poziv za rodjendan! Opet sednem na bicikl, vozim do najbližeg Šoping Centra. Zadovoljna izabranim poklonom, krećem. U medjuvremenu poziv od koleginice. Gde si? Odgovorim joj. Ok, budi tu da ti donesem rodjendanski poklon sa zakašnjenjem. Čekam. Kakvo iznenadjenje! Poklon je produźio rodjendan. Pozovem je na piće. Hvala, drugi put, žurim kući. Ok. Vozim ka kući. Sela sam da ručam, a onda poziv od tetke. Hej, tvojoj mami nije dobro, ima temperaturu i trese se. Oh! Opet sednem na bicikl i krenem do sela udaljeno nekoliko kilometara. Kupila sam mami lekove i voće. Krenula sam. Vozim vojvodjanskom ravnicom puna suncokreta i zalazećeg Sunca. . .

Today everything went as I didn't plan, but guess WHAT?
I loved it! The day actually turned out perfect because it was a combination of goodness and enjoyment. ❤️☀️
The plan was to spend the whole day on the hill, and then. . .
Morning. Training. Cornflakes. A warm and clear day. I decided to go swimming. I got on my bike and went to the lake. Water gurgling, fish meditatively swimming around me. The sun caresses me with an ideal temperature. After a few hours, I returned home. Watermelon! I go to the store to buy it. After a few bites, the phone rings. Birthday invitation! I get on my bike again, drive to the nearest Shopping Center. Satisfied with the chosen gift, I leave. Meanwhile, a call from a colleague. Where are you? I answer her. Ok, be here for me to bring you a belated birthday present. I'm waiting. What a surprise! The gift extended the birthday. I invite her for a drink. Thanks, next time, I'm hurrying home. OK. I'm driving home. I sat down to have lunch, and then I got a call from my aunt. Hey, your mom isn't feeling well, she's got a fever and she's shaking. Oh! I get back on my bike and head to the village a few kilometers away. I bought medicine and fruit for my mother. I am on my way. I drive through the Vojvodina plain full of sunflowers and the setting sun. . .




Kroz glavu su mi prolazile misli. . . Eto kako se sve nekako uklapa. Posle jezera sam htela da vozim bicikl do nekog obližnjeg sela ali odustala. Eto, sad ipak idem. Tetka me je pozvala kod nje i mame na ručak, želela je da me vidi, ali ja sam odložila za neki drugi dan, eto odlaskom da odnesem lek, ipak ćemo se videti. . . Razmišljam kako mi mislimo da imamo kontrolu nad vremenom a onda ti život pokaže veću moć planiranja. Kao da mi je dan pokazao koliko je sve nepredvidivo. Vozim i pokušavam da i pored brige za mamu, uživam u njivama, zvucima zrikavaca i zracima blagog sunca. . .

Thoughts were running through my head. . . That's how it all kind of fits together. After the lake, I wanted to ride a bike to a nearby village, but gave up. Well, I'm going now. My aunt invited me to her and mom's house for lunch, she wanted to see me, but I put it off until another day, so I'm going to take the medicine, we'll see each other anyway. . . I think how we think we have control over time and then life shows you the greater power of planning. As if the day showed me how unpredictable everything is. I'm driving and trying to enjoy the fields, the sounds of chirping birds and the rays of the mild sun, despite taking care of my mother. . .





Mrak je već počeo da pada. Ubrzala sam. Stigla sam kod mame. Dala sam joj sve što joj je potrebno, Sa tetkom sam popila na brzinu kafu. Mama mi je rekla da ponesem bratu i meni knedle sa šljivama ( tradicionalni kolač ovog dela Srbije ). Zahvalila sam se i krenula kući. Odjurila sam u polumraku. Srećom imala sam svetla. Vozila sam najbrže što mogu!

Darkness had already begun to fall. I sped up. I arrived at my mother's. I gave her everything she needed, I had a quick coffee with my aunt. Mom told me to bring my brother and me dumplings with plums (a traditional cake from this part of Serbia). I thanked her and headed home. I sped away in the semi-darkness. Luckily I had lights. I drove as fast as I could!


Nakon nekoliko kilometara, stigla sam u moj grad, ali čeka me još nekoliko kilometara do brata. Stigla sam. Bili su iznenadjeni. Otkud ti? Donela sam vam kolače. Što si zadihana? Nebitno. Nisam htela da ih opterećujem. Poljubila sam bratanca i poźurila sam kući. Mrak je već odavno pao. 10 pm. Otključavam vrata. Zadihana, skidam nožnim prstima patike sa peta. Bacam ranac i padnem u fotelju. . .
Ah, kakav dan. . .

After a few kilometers, I arrived in my town, but I still have a few kilometers to go to my brother. I arrived. They were surprised. Where did you come from? I brought you cookies. Why are you panting? Not important. I didn't want to burden them. I kissed my cousin and hurried home. Darkness had already fallen a long time ago. 10 p.m. I unlock the door. Panting, I use my toes to remove the heels of my sneakers. I drop my backpack and fall into the armchair. . .
Ah, what a day. . .

Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.

Greetings from Anka vregolana!

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