Kada tražite, naći ćete!☝️ When you seek, you will find!☝️

Još uvek sam u Ivanjici, predivnom gradiću ušuškan u brdima,reka i šuma. S obzirom da se uskoro vraćam kući, predložila sam ćerki da potražimo put kojim se ide do reke. Na tu ideju me je naterala i vrućina i temperatura koja je ovih dana nepodnošljiva.
Krenule smo prvo do parka koji poznajemo da bi se raspitale za put kojim se spuštamo do reke. Ono što me je iznenadilo i šokiralo je nepoznavanje staza do šuma i reka ljudi koji tu žive?? Posle sam saznala da stanovnici ovog grada vole samo da piju kafu po restoranima i kafićuma i šetnju po gradu. 😅 A priroda vas prosto zove! Dakle, krenule smo.

I'm still in Ivanjica, a beautiful little town tucked away in hills, rivers and forests. Considering that I will be returning home soon, I suggested to my daughter that we look for the road that leads to the river. The heat and the temperature, which is unbearable these days, also forced me to this idea.
We headed first to the park that we know so that they could ask about the way we go down to the river. What surprised and shocked me was the ignorance of the paths to the forests and rivers of the people who live there?? Later I found out that the residents of this city only like to drink coffee in restaurants and cafes and walk around the city. Terrible. And nature just calls you! So, we started.




Sa mesta gde smo bile, videle smo reku kako nas zove i mami, ali nismo znali kako do nje. Raspitale smo se ali nismo dobile odgovor. Zatim smo ugledale zanimljiv objekat ispod koje je tekla reka. To je bila jedna id prvih hidrocentrala u Srbiji. Napravljena je 1911. godine.

From where we were, we saw the river beckoning us, but we didn't know how to get there. We asked but did not get an answer. Then we saw an interesting object under which a river flowed. It was one of the first hydropower plants in Serbia. It was made in 1911.




Nastavile smo šetnju. Pogledale smo jedno mesto koje bi moglo biti prolaz. Prišle smo i videle stepenike. Wow! Ovde može da se sidje!

We continued our walk. We looked at one place that could be a passage. We approached and saw the stairs. Wow! You can get off here!




Reka je na ovom mestu zaista bila prelepa, ali smo mi i dalje htele na onaj njen divlji deo gde ima šljunka. Ali kad smo već ovde, hajde da uživamo.☝️☀️

The river was really beautiful at this place, but we still wanted to go to that wild part of it where there are pebbles. But since we're here, let's enjoy it.☝️☀️






Mesto je bilo mirno i prijatno za šetnju. Betonska staza za šetače pored reke okruženo mirom. Čak smo videle i kupače, iako piše da je zabranjeno plivanje. Moram priznati da nam je taj prizor prijao. Dok smo njih posmatrale, kao da smo se i mi okupale. 😅

The place was quiet and pleasant for a walk. A concrete path for walkers by the river, surrounded by peace. We even saw bathers, although it says that swimming is prohibited. I must admit that we liked that sight. While we were watching them, it was as if we had taken a bath. 😅




I pored lepe atmosfere, ipak smo htele da odemo do reke gde je šljunak i da se osvežimo. Barem noge. U glavi su mi bili nestašluci Toma Sojera. 😁
Odlučile smo da predjemo kameni most i pronadjemo stazu do reke sa suprotne strane!

Despite the nice atmosphere, we still wanted to go to the river where there is gravel and freshen up. At least the legs. Tom Sawyer's antics were on my mind. 😁
We decided to cross the stone bridge and find a path to the river on the opposite side!


Da, to je to mesto! Našle smo kuda se ide to tamo. Bile smo srećne!

Yes, that's the place! We found where it goes there. We were happy!





Kakva uživancija! Odmah smo ušle u reku da se rashladimo! Dan je zaista bio vruć!

What a treat! We immediately entered the river to cool off! The day was really hot!





Kakav provod bez ikakvog planiranja! Voda je bila divna! Temperatura reke u letnjim danima je na izvoru ispod planine Golija oko 17 stepeni, a u naselju gde smo bile mi, oko 20-22 stepena. Plesale smo, prskale, tražile neobične oblike kamenja. Avantura je bila nepredvidjena i savršena!

What a time without any planning! The water was wonderful! The temperature of the river in the summer days is around 17 degrees at the source under Mount Golija, and around 20-22 degrees in the settlement where we were. We danced, splashed, looked for unusual shapes of stones. The adventure was unexpected and perfect!





Nakon sat vremena, zadovoljne smo krenule kući posmatrajući reku i koja se udaljavala od nas nastavljajući svoj put kao i mi. . .

Nakon sat vremena, zadovoljne smo krenule kući posmatrajući reku i koja se udaljavala od nas nastavljajući svoj put kao i mi. . .

Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.

Greetings from Anka vregolana!

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