Praznici u Dortmundu✈️🎄 Holidays in Dortmund✈️🎄

Zdravo svima!Nadam se da svi provodite novogodišnje praznike u miru, sreći i da se odmarate! Ja ih ove godine ne provodim kod kuće,otputovala sam u Nemačku u grad Dortmund. Ova država i grad su me oduševili i zbog toga želim da podelim svoje utiske sa vama.♥️

Hello everyone! I hope you all spend the New Year holidays in peace, happiness and rest! I am not spending them at home this year, I traveled to Germany to the city of Dortmund. This country and city delighted me and that's why I want to share my impressions with you.♥️

U Nemačku sam doletela avionom,to je bio poseban doživljaj za mene jer nikada ranije nisam letela,ali to sve već znate iz mog prethodnog posta.😎Kada sam stigla,odmah sam krenula da istražujem okolinu.Otišla sam do centra grada koji je sav ukrašen i pun je predivnih božićnih štandova.Na tim štandovima su se prodavale različite stvari hrana,ukrasi,igračke suveniri...Svaki taj mali štand je bio priča za sebe i privlačio mi pažnju.

I flew to Germany by plane, it was a special experience for me because I had never flown before, but you already know all that from my previous post. 😎 When I arrived, I immediately started to explore the surroundings. I went to the center of the city, which is all decorated and it's full of beautiful Christmas stands. Those stands sold different things: food, decorations, toys, souvenirs... Each of those little stands was a story in itself and attracted my attention.













Ono što je zanimljivo je da se u Dortmundu nalazi najveća jelka u Nemačkoj,na čak trinaest spratova.Kada sam je videla ostala sam zapanjena.
Takođe,prvi put sam videla na njihovom univerzitetu viseću prugu.Moram vam reći da uživo izgleda zaista spektakularno,to kada voz prođe viseći ne može da dočara nijedna fotografija.Pošto je voz bio suviše brz,nisam uspela da ga fotografišem već sam uspela samo prugu,ali stavila sam vam ovde jednu fotografiju sa interneta da bih vam dočarala barem mali delić toga kako to ustvari izgleda.

What is interesting is that in Dortmund there is the largest Christmas tree in Germany, up to thirteen floors. When I saw it, I was amazed.
Also, I saw a suspended railway for the first time at their university. I have to tell you that it looks really spectacular in person, that when the train passes suspended, no photo can capture it. Since the train was too fast, I didn't manage to photograph it, I only managed to photograph the railway , but I put here a photo from the Internet to give you at least a small glimpse of what it actually looks like.



Tekst o visećoj prugi sa interneta

Na par minuta od centra se nalazi jedan mali trg i pogodite kako se zove! Zove se trg Novi Sad!😎🥰Naravno da sam morala da se fotografišem ovde.Takođe mi je jako zanimljiva njihova arhitektura.Nemci se baš trude da sačuvaju njihove autentične stare kuće koje su zaista ukras ovog lepog grada.

A few minutes from the center there is a small square and guess what it's called! It's called Novi Sad Square!😎 Of course I had to take a photo here. I also find their architecture very interesting. The Germans are really trying to preserve their authentic old houses, which are really the decoration of this beautiful city.






Ovde se zaista mnogo vodi računa o ekologiji,tako da ptice i patke raznih vrsta možete videti kako šetaju slobodno po parkovima. Grad Dortmund ima jako zanimljiv simbol,to je leteći nosorog i ima ga na najrazličitijim mestima u gradu.😄Imaju i police za knjige,tu svako može da ostavi knjigu koja mu više ne treba,a i da uzme knjigu koju želi da pročita.🥰

Here, a lot of attention is paid to ecology, so you can see birds and ducks of various kinds walking freely in the parks. The city of Dortmund has a very interesting symbol, it is a flying rhinoceros and it is found in various places in the city.😄They also have bookshelves, where everyone can leave a book they no longer need and take a book they want to read.🥰




Prošetali smo i pored jednog zanimljivog zamka🏰🏰

We also walked past an interesting castle🏰🏰



Ljudi,njihova kultura i uređenost ove države su me oduševili i zaista se nadam da ću u skorije vreme ponovo posetiti Nemačku jer je zaista divna zemlja.

The people, their culture and the organization of this country delighted me and I really hope that I will visit Germany again in the near future because it is really a wonderful country.

Uskoro idem na još jedno jako uzbudljivo mesto i naravno da ću vam prepričati sve čim ga obiđem.Do tada vam šaljem jedan veeeliki zagrljaj!♥️♥️

I'm going to another very exciting place soon, and of course I'll tell you all about it as soon as I visit it. Until then, I'm sending you a big hug!♥️♥️

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