Lighthouse bar 🏝️when you're living your dream

Zelim da sa vama podelim saznanje o jednom inspirativnom mestu πŸ–οΈπŸ’―πŸ’―

I want to share with you knowledge about an inspiring place πŸ–οΈπŸ’―πŸ’―


Ovde u Hrvatskoj,u Puli,gde sam trenutno,svoje slobodno vreme provodim tako sto odlazim u duge setnje,voznje biciklom🚴,upoznajem grad I citavu njegovu obalu.Mnogo zanimljivih mesta sam obisla I pronasla🏝️
Pula je prelepa πŸ’―
U jednoj avanturi,u koju sam posla sa novom prijateljicom Danijelom iz Srbije,tacnije iz Beograda.Ovde smo se upoznale jer I ona je kao I ja dosla na par meseci zbog posla,radimo u istom restoranu "Fabrica",spominjala sam vec moje radno mesto πŸ‘

Here in Croatia, in Pula, where I am currently, I spend my free time by going for long walks, riding a bicycle🚴, getting to know the city and its entire coast. I visited and found many interesting places🏝️
Pula is beautiful πŸ’―
In one adventure, in which I went with my new friend Daniela from Serbia, more precisely from Belgrade. We met here because she, like me, came for a couple of months for work, we work in the same restaurant "Fabrica", I already mentioned my work place πŸ‘

OVO smo Danijela I jaπŸ‘

This is my friend Danielle and me πŸ‘

U dugoj setnji obalom,koja je trajala
od 11h prepodne do 20h navece,presle smo skoro 10km .Malo smo setale bukvalno uz obalu ,pravile pauze za kupanje,suncanje...zatim smo nastavljale i sumom koja je uz samu obalu I ima vrlo interesantne staze .Bio je to dobar Dan,zaista sjajan DanπŸ’ͺ

In the long walk along the coast, which lasted
from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m., we covered almost 10 km. We literally sat along the coast for a bit, took breaks for swimming, sunbathing... then we continued through the forest that is along the coast itself and has very interesting paths. It was a good day, really great dayπŸ’ͺ


Obisle smo I tvrdjavu koja je vrlo blizu mora.Mnogo nam se svidelo,Ali o tome drugi putπŸ˜‰

We also visited the fortress, which is very close to the sea. We liked it a lot, but more about that another timeπŸ˜‰

Zelim da vam pisem o jednom mestu "Lighthouse bar"
To je kao odmoriste na stenama obale mora,osmisljeno veoma kreativno.Odusevile smo se
Pogledajte ....πŸ“Έ

I want to write to you about a place "Lighthouse bar"
It is like a resting place on the rocks of the sea coast, designed very creatively. We were delighted
Look ....πŸ“Έ

....a OVO je pogled.....

....and this is the view......

Malo smo odmorile tu πŸ˜‰

We take a break there πŸ˜‰


Ovde u toj kuci stanuje porodica koja bukvalno zivi svoj san..Toliko je ljubavi ulozeno u ceo taj projekat a otvoreno je za sve koji to znaju da cene ..
Zaista vredno posete!

Here in that house lives a family that is literally living their dream.. So much love has been invested in this whole project and it is open to everyone who knows how to appreciate it..
Really worth a visit!










Nadam se da sam uspela da vam priblizim osecaj koji smo Danijela I ja imale.....
....dok nenametljiva muzika carlija u pozadini,nas dve smo imale utisak da smo u Raju,zaista je bilo inspirativno I nadahnjujuce...u svakom pogledu
Naravno da se vracamo tamo pre nego napustimo Pulu πŸ‘‹πŸ‘‹πŸ‘‹

I hope I was able to convey to you the feeling that Danijela and I had.....
.... while the unobtrusive music of Carli in the background, the two of us had the impression that we were in Paradise, it was really inspiring and inspiring... in every way
Of course we are going back there before we leave Pula πŸ‘‹πŸ‘‹πŸ‘‹

See you soon πŸ”œ

Veliki pozdrav svim Hiverima od Dragane.

Greetings to all Hivers from Dragana.

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