How I learned to Stop Worrying and Love the War

Still from film Dr Strangelove

When diplomats fail, murmurs cease
generals rise who offer no peace.
Fertile and green, now battle bombed
everywhere stained, with blood they run.

Flags from the past fly on derelict buildings
industrial plants, cauldrons of conflict.
Press ganged men, freedom denied
caught in the gears, justice has died.

Now nuclear shadows
loom heavy with dread
the line between peace
and destruction is tread.
We stand at the brink
in a world where the blame
has been put on to Russia. Shame.

Drones dance overhead in a calculated game
the latest in war, we ignore the name
Neo-nazis rally, a dark chapter's call
beneath the chaos, humanity’s fall.

Ignore the words - look at the signs
watch closely each bridge and railway line
each river, road, farm and town
for this is how such wars are won.

As above

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