About learning new English words

It is a long time for me not to write any blog in the Hive. Maybe because I'm too lazy or I have no inspiration since my life is boring. So I just share some new English words and idioms I've learned recently here.

Oh, I love this word from Latin, which means 'something desired as a necessity'. And I also love that famous poem titled 'desideratum' very much.


Below is an excerpt from it!

Be yourself.


Especially do not feign affection. Neither be cynical about love;


for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment, it is as perennial as the grass.


Is it right?Yeah, love is as perennial as the grass. No matter what happens, we can still find love and hope growing like the green grass in the spring.

Another interesting word is 'dervish'. Oh, what is it?Well,

a dervish is a member of a Muslim religious group which has a very active and lively dance as part of its worship. (伊斯兰教的)托钵僧

It was the first time for me to hear of 'dervish' when I learned the word 'waft' from a Youtube video, where the teacher explained 'waft' by taking 'dervish' as an example.

The whirling dervishes seem to waft round and round with nothing to support them.

Good idea! It intrigued me at a stroke and I could remember 2 words without efforts. Just close your eyes and allow your imagination to fly in your mind: the verdishes' dance is so light-footed that they are like a kind of smoke/dream wafting through the room.

And I also learned a new astronomical term--worm hole from @raj808's Sci-fi blog. God, have you heard of wormhole before?

In physics, a wormhole is a tunnel in space that is believed to connect different parts of the universe. 宇宙隧道

the story of an astronaut who is sucked through a wormhole into the other side of the universe.


Can you imagine the existence of such kind of tunnel?So amazing, isn't it?For me, a person from a country with the Great Firewall, wormhole is just like a VPN by means of which I am sucked into the Hive/Youtube world successfully.

At the same time I want to give my feedback to A New Line of Hive Promotional Clothing - Asking for Feedback from the Community: I absolutely would like to own a piece of clothes--a hoodie or a T-shirt with the Hive design art in order to promote Hive community. Pitifully it is impossible for me to sponsor new people to join Hive community, because most of them even have no way to open and register on the Hive website without the help of VPN thanks to the bloody Great Firewall of China.

At last, I just list some new English idioms I've learned from Teacher Mike.

Six Expressions with CUT
6 个带Cut的词语

1.Cut it out. 🛑
Meaning: Stop doing that.

1.Cut it out.

2.Who​ cut the cheese? 💨
Meaning: Who farted?

2.Who cut the cheese?

3.That won't cut it.🙅
Meaning: That's not good enough. That's not acceptable.

3.That won't cut it.

4.Cut me some slack. 😬
Meaning: I know it's not perfect, but I am trying, so please stop making me feel bad.

4.Cut me some slack.

5.Cut to the chase. ✋
Meaning: You're explaining too much. Just hurry up and tell me what happened.

5.Cut to the chase.

6.I'm not cut out for this. 🤷🏽‍♀️
Meaning: This type of activity doesn't suit me. I am not good at this.

6.I'm not cut for this.

That won't cut it. It has to be better quality.

Cut me some slack. It's my first time.

Cut to the chase and tell me what happened.

I'm not cut out for basketball. I'm too short.

*Just a quick heads up = Just a quick announcement/notification/warning

*Keep someone in the loop = make sure they know what is currently happening

*Bureaucratic = related to government/business procedures (permits, applications, documents, etc.)

P.S. I'm very sorry to post this blog into 'Blockchain Poet' community carelessly. I don't know how to cancel it. If anyone knows about it, please help me. If not, anyhow I've just quoted a beautiful poem 'desideratum' in it.
Teacher Mike's teaching blog series:
1)About Teacher Mike and his books
2)Why shouldn't you say "I'm proud of you, Teacher"?
3)Another interesting course online from Teacher Mike
4)Culture elements on Christmas you should know
5)Farmers market农贸市场
6)About Thanksgiving
7)Teacher Mike's Christmas dinner

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