Housekeeping no hobby of mine

A clean house is good for the mood.
If the house isn't clean it helps to have bad eyesight, wear sunglasses, keep the light switched off or keep your eyes closed. Another option is spending time outside. I'm more frequently outside which means I hardly invest time in housekeeping, reading, watching a film or spending as much time on the internet as I used to. I'm still on the internet but mainly to check out something.

Yesterday I started the day watching videos on how to slaughter a chicken. There is more than one way. What struck me is that there is nothing to be found in Dutch, that a Belgian showed everything except killing the chicken and that the American videos show you step by step what to do. Those who are not interested in the slaughter of chickens (or other birds) may find it interesting to see how the anatomy of the chicken works. How easy or difficult is it to pluck a chicken, and take out all the internal organs? It takes quite a bit of work if you ask me.
Amazon (a store I don't buy from) turns out to sell everything you need to slaughter chickens from the sharp knife, the plucker (which is fascinating) to the mega pan and the bags in which the chicken goes into the freezer.
I don't have a freezer so I can't freeze anything. Also, I don't have any chickens yet. At the moment I'm still busy getting everything ready for the arrival of the chickens. One loft is ready, in the other, the perches still have to be made and I still have to make a 'door' or fence for the front part. So without chickens is also a good time to see if the wolf that lived in the chicken coop isn't going to make an effort to get back in. I put new mesh in front of the openings (with a stapler) and if she wants she can jump through it. With chickens in it, it will definitely be a lot more appealing to take that leap.

Today the day started with rain. I went to the market for a while and did a few errands because I got 3 coupons that cannot be returned at the same time. There is now no sugar and no oil in the store and toilet paper is again 50 cents more expensive (luckily I don't use that much). Yesterday, during the whole day of gardening, I did the laundry and the dishes (I always do that and doesn't really count as housekeeping anymore). I bought a few bell pepper plants from someone private for 70 cents. My seed is still not coming up. I didn't see cucumber plants anywhere. So I'm going to plant new seeds because nothing comes up for me (also applies to the beans).

The peas stand up for pea soup and I made applesauce from some of the apples I bought at the market last week. Hopefully, the yoghurt will also work this time and the yoghurt culture will not be dead.

Time to feed the animals, pot some plants and then sow some more indoors. For now, it's winter again and one of my tomato plants is looking lousy after the cold, unexpected night despite the hay I had put around it.


See @mariannewest for the daily prompt

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