Sometimes in life we feel stuck at the moment no one can keep motivated all the time. There is a time when we break our energy level and go down. We feel stuck and don't want to do anything .

There are many reasons for such a thing . It might be heartbreak ,loss in business ,or tired of continuous struggle but not getting enough results.

Here, the thing which matters the most is how it affects our lives and how much it consumes our time.

Different people have different stuck times. Some people get back on track after a few hours after listening to motivational videos or by motivating themselves, while for some it takes weeks while for some it takes years too.

It depends on self belief and confidence how much you believe in yourself and how strong is your base. If you are weak enough that a minor storm of ups and downs will blow you away then it will surely take years.

So to protect yourself you have to make your base strong, you have to be self confident, have a strong belief in your abilities, no matter how many people reject you, no matter how many times you fail in life, no matter how poor you are today it never matters until you are satisfied with your inner self .

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Never let your outside effect on your inside rule is to keep moving with consistency and belief just like you do when you were learning walking in your childhood. Life is the name of continuous learning in which you only can learn by walking .

Maintaining a positive outlook in all area of your life is crucial. You will notice a significant shift in yourself as soon as you begin to think positively in every circumstance.

When you experience hard moments in your life, you only need to remember that self-love and self-believe is one of the most important things you have to create self-confidence so that issues can pass by seeing you and not even dare to touch you and injure you.

You just need to see your life as learning. When you start learning to walk, you fall many times, but falling down gives you inspiration to keep going. Falling is a step towards success. We need to stay positive by thinking positive thoughts and envisioning success in our surroundings.

We do not need to frustrate ourselves over the tiny problems in our lives. Instead, we need to keep patience and take time to think about ourselves and what is essential for you. This is known as self reflection, and it helps you realize why you are stuck and what you can do about it.


Self-reflection is something that allows you to think about yourself; it's similar to a mirror that shows you an image of yourself from within. Self-reflection allows humans to retain their goals and evaluate what is good and harmful for them.


Self-reflection does not imply being severe on yourself; rather, it means being friendly with yourself and acknowledging the areas where you need to grow. Make sure you make your greatest version so you don't get trapped time and again in your life.


Looking for inspiration is discovering things that make you feel thrilled and driven. It's like discovering something that fills you with new energy and thoughts. Inspiration can come from a variety of sources, including art, books, music, nature, individuals who guide you (mentors), and stories of others overcoming obstacles.

Art, such as paintings or music, can evoke strong emotions and stimulate new ideas. Books are like friends who tell stories, and these stories can teach you, soothe you, and even open up new possibilities. Music can make you joyful, peaceful, or help you understand your emotions better. Nature, such as trees, mountains, and rivers, can provide a tranquil and attractive environment in which to feel connected to the rest of the world.



Taking care of yourself is extremely important. Consider this: if you play with your favorite toy without taking care of it, it will undoubtedly become damaged. Your body and mind are similar to this toy. They require care and affection to maintain their appeal and avoid damage.

Self-care entails taking care of your body. Eating nutritious foods, getting adequate sleep, and exercising are all part of this. It's like giving your body the proper gasoline to keep it going properly. Your mental health is also important. It's crucial to take pauses, do things you enjoy, and manage stress. It's like allowing your brain to rest and refuel.Your feelings are important. Self-care involves taking the time to understand and express your emotions. It's like acknowledging your feelings and dealing with them in a healthy way. When you take care of yourself, you feel better about yourself. It's like increasing your self-esteem and confidence. You grow more robust to adversity.


Your body sends you signals when it need attention and care. For example, if you are hungry, your body will tell you to eat some healthy foods. If you are dehydrated, your mouth will get dry. Your body sends you a message to drink water.


When I'm frustrated or tired of what's going on around me, I go to my mother and tell her everything. Have you ever noticed that everyone has someone in their life that always listens to them? Who is always there for you to listen to your worries and everything that is going on inside you?


Seeking support from someone you trust, such as a family member, friend, or parent, is the best way to overcome problems. Even if they do not provide advice, they will encourage you to relax and not give up.

Now it's your turn. Tell me what you do when you feel stuck in your life.

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