The Aha Moment - Inventing the Wheel

"Aha!" shouted Wallace.

"What is it?" asked June.

"Nothing. I just wanted to scream, aha."

"Oh, I thought you'd invented the wheel or something."

"Wheel? What's a wheel?"

What a question to ask. But the wheel was not invented on the first day of Earth.

Wallace wanted to know more.

"What is a wheel? Is it something that can be invented? Has it been invented yet? Will it benefit mankind?"

"I don't know," said June. "I had a dream about it; it definitely changed mankind."

"Ok," said Wallace, "What does a wheel look like?"

"Round," said June.

"Where would we find these wheels?"

June described what he saw in his dreams

"That's brilliant," said Wallace. "Let's invent the wheel."

They worked hard for days. They worked in front of stunning backgrounds. There were sunsets and epic background music. Then, finally, they had produced their first set of wheels.


"Wow," said Wallace. "That was a lot of hard work. But look, we have wheels."

"It look great," said June. "Let's find a way to tell the world."

"Yes," said Wallace. "I'm tired now though. We'll walk to town in the morning."

"I'm not going to walk," said June. "There's no need."

"Why not?" asked Wallace. "We need to market our product."

"Yes, we do," said June. "But we could make a cart and then add the wheels. We could take a ride."

"How will we power it?" asked Wallace.

"We need a horse," said June.

"There's no horse here," Wallace replied. "We'll probably need to go to town to get one."

"That's certainly irony for you," said June.


Freewrite story, prompt by @mariannewest

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