(ESP/ENG) ¿Quién? ¿Cómo? ¿Por qué? Concurso de escritura creativa del 27 de noviembre de 2021

Esta semana el reto es con un caracol y debemos incluir galletas con leche tibia.

Aquí mi relato:

Jaimito y la investigación con caracoles by María del Carmen Sánchez Copyright © 2021



El Instituto Nacional de Agricultura realizó una reunión urgente con todos sus técnicos.
Allí, su director, el Doctor Eleodoro Gómez, les comunicó que habían llegado al país unos caracoles. Aparentemente los trajo un viajero procedente de Namibia. El viajero, inconsciente del daño que puede ocasionar a la agricultura, se trajo una pareja de regalo para su pequeña hija.

El Doctor Gómez les participa a los presentes que tienen que realizar un proyecto urgente.

-Tenemos que conseguir financiamiento externo. Es una emergencia. Pónganse a trabajar en equipo. La idea es lograr el control con plantas. Para ello tenemos que establecer la cría del caracol en el laboratorio.-

-¿Y cómo hacemos para colectarlos?- pregunta la Ingeniero Mía Alcántara.

-Yo me encargo de los permisos. Hay que realizar los trámites al Ministerio del Ambiente. Los otros participantes se encargarían de buscar información de cómo criar los caracoles africanos en el laboratorio.- replica Juan Uzcátegui, jefe de laboratorio.

La reunión terminó rápidamente. Se volverían a encontrar cuando hubiesen concluido lo acordado. Ya era viernes por la tarde. Darían una semana de plazo para ubicar caracoles en las casas familiares….

Margarita González, la técnico en informática llegó, el miércoles por la tarde, con una bolsa llena. Los consiguió casa por casa. Inclusive, los observó en las plazas pero no se atrevió a recogerlos hasta que tuvieran el permiso. Todos quedaron asombrados.

-¿Y ahora qué hacemos?- pregunta Mía.

-Se me ocurre colocarlos en esas cajas plásticas transparentes con hierba. Esperamos a ver si comen- contesta Margarita.

A lo que Mía le sugiere:

-Ayúdame a pesarlos. Les pondremos diferente tipos de comida. Así tendremos los datos para que tú los puedas analizar-

Las dos damas ejecutaron el trabajo clasificando los 50 caracoles. Esperaron una semana para tener esos primeros datos.
Margarita ejecutó los análisis matemáticos y sugirió que había un alimento que aparentemente era mejor que otro. Pero le llamó la atención que en una de las cajas todos los caracoles aparecieron sin comida y muertos. Pareciese que no le habían dado comida…..Le extrañó porque ella supervisó todo. De repente se acordó que su sobrino, Jaimito, estaba ese día de visita al laboratorio. Lo había llevado porque le gustan los animales. Procuró que nadie sospechase, lo que ella intuía……Para eso trazó un plan, llevaría nuevamente a Jaimito a ver los caracoles.

Ya era fin de semana….Margarita se despidió de todo el personal. El lunes llevaría a Jaimito a encontrarse con la verdad.

Margarita y Jaimito van al Instituto el lunes por la mañana. Ella lleva el niño al laboratorio….

-Jaimito ¿quieres ayudarme a pesar los caracoles?-

A Jaimito se le agrandaron los enormes ojos negros…

-Si, tía-

Comenzaron a trabajar y de repente Margarita le pregunta a su sobrino:

-¿Por qué crees que se murieron los caracoles?-

Jaimito todo nervioso contesta:

-No se tía. Yo no entiendo nada de eso.-

Margarita comienza a dudar, sigue indagando y revisando los estantes.
Inesperadamente consigue unas galletas, las reconoce porque son las que ella le regala a su sobrino. Además consigue un vaso sucio.

-Me quieres explicar ¿qué significa esto?-

Jaimito todo apenado le dice:

-Tía, yo también quise probar… le di una parte de mis galletas a los caracoles y, les puse leche tibia en una cápsula. Los caracoles también tienen derecho a comer cosas diferentes-



This week's challenge is with a snail and we must include cookies with warm milk.

Here is my story:

Jaimito y la investigación con caracoles by María del Carmen Sánchez Copyright © 2021



The National Institute of Agriculture held an urgent meeting with all its technicians.
There, its director, Dr. Eleodoro Gómez, informed them that some snails had arrived in the country. Apparently they were brought by a traveler from Namibia. The traveler, unaware of the damage they could cause to agriculture, brought a couple as a gift for his young daughter.

Dr. Gomez tells those present that they have an urgent project to carry out.

-We have to get external financing. It is an emergency. Get to work as a team. The idea is to achieve control with plants. For this we have to establish snail breeding in the laboratory.

-And how do we collect them?" asks Mía Alcántara, an engineer.

-I am in charge of the permits. We have to do the paperwork with the Ministry of the Environment. The other participants would be in charge of looking for information on how to breed the African snails in the laboratory," replied Juan Uzcátegui, head of the laboratory.

The meeting ended quickly. They would meet again when they had finished what they had agreed. It was already Friday afternoon. They would give a week to locate snails in the family houses.....

Margarita Gonzalez, the computer technician arrived, Wednesday afternoon, with a bag full of them. She got them house by house. She even observed them in the squares but did not dare to pick them up until they had permission. Everyone was astonished.

-What do we do now?" asked Mía.

-I thought of putting them in those transparent plastic boxes with grass. We wait to see if they eat," answered Margarita.

To which Mía suggests:

-Help me weigh them. We'll put them in different types of food. That way we will have the data for you to analyze.

The two ladies did the job, classifying the 50 snails. They waited a week to have the first data.
Margarita ran the mathematical analysis and suggested that there was one food that was apparently better than another. But it struck her that in one of the boxes all the snails appeared without food and dead. It seemed that she had not been given any food.....She was surprised because she supervised everything. Suddenly she remembered that her nephew, Jaimito, was visiting the laboratory that day. She had taken him because he likes animals. She tried not to let anyone suspect what she sensed......So she made a plan, she would take Jaimito again to see the snails.

It was already the weekend....Margarita said goodbye to all the staff. On Monday she would take Jaimito to meet the truth.

Margarita and Jaimito go to the Institute on Monday morning. She takes the boy to the lab....

-Jaimito, do you want to help me weigh the snails?

Jaimito's big black eyes got bigger...

-Yes, Aunt.

They began to work and suddenly Margarita asked her nephew:

-Why do you think the snails died?

Jaimito, all nervous, answers:

-I don't know, Aunt. I don't understand any of that.

Margarita begins to doubt, she keeps looking around and checking the shelves.
Unexpectedly she finds some cookies, she recognizes them because they are the ones she gives to her nephew. She also finds a dirty glass.

-You want to explain to me what this means?

Jaimito, all embarrassed, says to her:

-Aunt, I also wanted to try... I gave some of my cookies to the snails and, I put warm milk in a capsule. The snails also have the right to eat different things.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

Jaimito y la investigación con caracoles by María del Carmen Sánchez Copyright © 2021

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