Image by Alexa from Pixabay


We met a couple of years ago but never got a chance to get to know ourselves. She thought he was out of her league at first, but over the years she tried to get over that feeling, hoping one day things would be different. One thing she holds to heart is that she always gets what she wants no matter how long it takes; she either prays hard or works towards it, but anyway, it must be a win on her path. Years passed by; she never made any connection with the guy of her dreams; she only sits in the corner, creating beautiful memories that she is sure will never transpire between; she watches him from a far distance most times, maybe after school or at an event he goes to cover without his knowledge.

She envisions herself going on late-night dates, strolling home in the lonely nights, dancing to slow music at clubs, going to the beach, and the romance they could get after each trip. Keziah, her friend, calls her as she realizes she was in the middle of an important meeting. Her dad owns a massive hostel, and each year they host a party in honor of their success. She never wanted showing up but only did since her crush was a photographer. She convinced her dad he is one of the best, and he respected her opinion, being his first daughter and someone he wanted to hand over his company to.

“Make sure you take note of everything going on today. I will be retiring soon, and your to take my position,” he said shortly after we arrived at the venue. She nodded agreeably. Her dad was filled with joy due to her presence, but she had other motives. She picks her seat in a place with a good view, watching people trooping in with her eyes constantly on the search for him. Almost giving up on her search, he arrives. He looks radiating through the hall, his so fun of his mustache that kind of picks it when he's shy; he wears a glass because he's nearly blind, but his almond-shaped eyes could be seen through his glasses; his hair looks locked, but I feel it's his lazy ass not wanting to comb it; his gap-year clothes made him appear younger than his years; and the swirl of his loamy cologne had them swooning in the aisle. I kept thinking of him as he walked towards me; his shy way of saying hello brought me back to reality.

I almost didn’t realize the sheepish grin I had until I replied. He thanked me, expressing his sincere gratitude. It's nothing, I replied. Thank goodness you made it. My dad was already up my ass, I added. His sudden smile was like a beam of sunlight illuminating the darkest corners of the room. I should get to work, he said.

As the event of the day commences, her thoughts of the guys go on and on; she barely hears the side gossip from her friend nor the speech her dad had delivered; his focus was on the way he captured the moment; he seems to be very good at what he does. After the first part of the event, the reception had a lot of sessions for dances, both the slow music and the afrobeat games, and whatsoever to get people entertained.
I pulled myself to a corner, drinking any alcohol that approached me. I wasn’t really in for food that evening all I thought of was to get his number in the most sober state I could get, as I gulp down my fifth glass he approaches me this time he looks more stunning then before , you have had too much he said , have been watching you, he nodded , I asked why almost aggressively probably trying to hide the amusement from his presence , nothing he replied ,your beauty captures my attention anytime I get a glimpse of you I was too sober to even process the words he uttered few seconds to his presence a love song was played he reaches for my hands and drags me to his side, the atmosphere was cold but I could feel the heat from his body, his warmth hands clasped into mine, his cologne filled in my breath, I fell in love with it instantly, we swayed our hips to the rhythm, I felt the dance was so perfect like we were trained for this moment our entire life, let’s go back to my apartment he whispered almost without a sound, my work here has ended, I nodded to it without hesitation.

My dad was with his team. I told him. I hurriedly told him I was off the event. I didn’t even wait for his response. He drove. That's massive, I thought to myself. We drove through the cold night, which sends a chill through my bones. 'Have ticked all my boxes with him,' I whispered. He hears me and asks if I was cold. Yes, I replied. He uses one hand on the steering wheels and places the other on my fingers, rubbing them slowly. I could feel this building tickling sensation down there already. He is so good, I thought. We are almost what he said as his guttural voice echoed through the moment , We arrived to his flat in a matter of seconds; the air freshener on the table welcomed us, and the space was furnished with his favorite color—perhaps as a coping mechanism for his loneliness. He also had a few sets of throw pillows.

He inquired if I was hungry, but I turned him down. I took a bath to revive myself, and we had some pleasant chats into the night. Eventually, I fell asleep on his chest because I was too exhausted to go on. He continued to kiss my neck later that night after toying with my ears for a while, waking me from sleep. Nothing makes me so sexually sensitive as it does, one of the things I envisioned for coming to light, wanted avoided them but the tension between us was too deep , I rolled over a gave him a deep kiss one haven't given anyone in a long time, our lips collided passionately the kiss went on for a while the he One of my dreams came true: I wanted to avoid them, but the tension between us was too great. I loved the way he ran his hands over my body while we were still kissing; the kisses on my neck and lower region were especially amazing. After a while, he went down on me and took out a condom. I was about to make the biggest decision of my life because I had never had sex before.

To be continued.....

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