Treasure Cave (Zapfic)


This is my entry for this week's ZapFic50Friday contest. What is this? Find out all the details here.

The idea is to create a piece of microfiction in precisely 50 words - no more and no less. I like to challenge myself with this every once in a while, and if you read the usual length of my posts, you might see why. Who was it who said "brevity is the soul of wit?"

This week's prompt is "chocolate":

Treasure Cave

Sam was known as the Easter Bunny, but it was not chocolate eggs that he was hiding. Woe betide anyone unlucky enough to find any of Sam's treasure.

Cheryl was an explorer by nature. Her elation at finding a hidden cave filled with treasure was short lived. Sam was there.


Photo Credit of Treasure Cave

Screenshot by the author from

Today is Day 16 of HiveBloPoMo. It's not too late to start, my friends! @traciyork/hive-blog-posting-month-aka-hiveblopomo-starts-april-1st-2022

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