Alcohol Related Incidents - A Five Minute Freewrite.

Image source from unsplash

In med school, it was a rule that no one should be found consuming alcohol regardless of their age or social status. One must think that there are a lot of restrictions in med school and the students there have no freedom. But on the brighter side, the rule was made to discipline students and to give them a sense of responsibility as regards their career field. One might also want to ask how this relates to their career and I'll tell you how.

A final grade student in med school who was known to be one of the best in his class, had an ALCOHOL RELATED INCIDENT. The student was scheduled to work with the legal doctors in the theatre on a certain date as part of his med school practice.

Prior to all he has been learning, his job was to carry out the instructions he was given by the doctors. He was to be a helping hand while the doctors carried out the major operations. His grade for the semester was dependent on his attentiveness and ability to carry out the task as instructed without fear.

Nobody would have believed that he would fall short of the task or fault any rule before graduating but according to some sources, he was persuaded by his friends to come have a drink in their room, a night before his practical exams which was fixed for 8am.

After so much persuasion by his friends, he gave in and decided to have just a glass of alcoholic wine. He seemed to have a light tolerance for alcoholic content, one could conclude by just observing his behavior. He got really overwhelmed and slept off in the Boys room.

The next day, he woke up to his phone buzzing loudly. The boys were all sleeping as they had a late night after him. He tried to get his stance right, moving up from the bed to retrieve his phone from the table that sat close to the bed. At a stretch, he reached for his phone and he unlocked it.

He was shocked at the time he saw on the screen. It was 9:30am. His mouth fell ajar, he became even more surprised when he found out whom he had missed calls from. It was his supervisor at the hospital. His heart throbbed with fear as he unlocked the door, in a hurry back to his room, hoping he hadn't jeopardized the only chance that would make him a medical doctor without complications.

Thank you for reading my five-minute Freewrite. Thanks to @mariannewest for dropping prompts everyday that lets us think outside the box. You can join the @freewriters community to receive daily writing prompts and the @freewritehouse for fun contests.

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