The Miracle!

It was just like any other day, beautiful morning, dazzling sunrise and the aroma of Mom's delicious recipe wafting across my nostrils. I was ready for school as I picked up my lunch box from the kitchen, hugged Mom and breezed out through the front door.
I was always in a big rush and Mom had warned me severally to always slow down, especially on my way to school.
The traffic was heavy around this time.

"Hey be careful, watch the road!", she called out again.

"Mom, I promise!", I answered as I flashed her one of my most beautiful smiles, before riding off on my bicycle.

It happened within a twinkle of an eye, out of nowhere, as I was crossing over to the pedestrian lane, a car came speeding towards me.There was the screeching of tires, a loud bang, and then…this deep darkness. I didn’t feel anything after that..... Nothing at all...... Just cold, empty darkness.

I saw myself in a strange place, strange but beautiful and very well-lit and there was this soft and soothing melody, surreal, playing in the background, the most beautiful sound I had ever heard in my entire life, and when I turned towards the direction of the music, I saw a little girl sitting on a chair, playing a violin.

"How could such a little girl play so excellently? The tune was simply divine!

Before I could open my mouth to give voice to my thoughts, she spoke;

"Jasmine... Jasmine, how are you feeling now?" Her voice was so soft and tender and I immediately felt I was safe in here.

“Where am I? I remember I was on my way to school when I got hit by a speeding....... Oh no! .... Where am I?.... Am... I...dead?” I asked, my voice trembling with trepidation, my eyes soaked in tears... "Would I see my parents again?" I knew I had never been to this place before.

The little girl walked towards me and held out her hand to me, smiling warmly. "In case you are wondering who I am, Gabrielle is my name, I am your Angel friend. You are not dead, we just need you to rest, it's been an eventful day. As for your parents, they are praying and awaiting your return!"

Jasmine was terrified as she looked closely at the big screen before her. She saw her parents standing by a stretcher, praying and weeping while doctors attempted to rescuscitate the unconscious person lying there. She was the one, she could see so clearly now. She held onto her friend's hand ever so tightly, sobbing until there was no energy left. She listened to the Angel's soothing voice again and again.

Then Gabrielle began to play her violin and as Jasmine listened to the music, she was filled with unusual strength and courage, it was transforming her, taking her pains and fears away. She just knew she would be fine.

In the hospital's intensive care unit, my parents never left my bedside, praying and hoping for this one miracle. They told me later that as they saw my finger move, they knew that I was still with them, somewhere between life and the other side, they knew their miracle would definitely be.

Inside my coma, the music became more intense and Gabrielle touched my forehead and said, "It’s time to go back home. Your parents are waiting, the music will lead you."

Through the darkness, I entered into the light, and as my eyes were fluttering open, I saw the faces of my beloved parents, their eyes filled with tears of joy.

"...Oh, thank God!” Mom and Dad cried... Their voices trembling with so much emotion.

"This is a Miracle!" Mom whispered as they both softly hugged me.

Miracles Do indeed happen!

This post is in response to a picture prompt by @wakeupkitty and @freewritehouse.

I am @edith-4angelseu and thank you for stopping by my neighbourhood.

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