LORD OF DEATH โ˜ ๏ธ๐Ÿ’€

OF DEATH โ™ฃ๏ธ
(His Innermost Desires...)

Chapter 7(seven)

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"Seriously, Li! I wouldn't want to call this stupid. But you've really got to listen to me" Barly nagged on the phone, speaking to Lita who was obviously ignoring her as she walked all about the room - packing up her things.

"You just can't be serious about going to Endon. Are you for real?"

"And give me one good reason not to go, Barly?" Lita finally said something, adding an eye roll.
"You told me he's real, right? And you also told told me there's every possiblity he's the one behind my parent's death. So, tell me why I shouldn't go to him myself since the Corps are playing dumb??? I need an explanation from him, and also kill him if I have the chance".

"Can you even listen to yourself?" Barly flinched.
"Endon is not just a random place you can go to, Lita. This guy is more like the god of this community. Do you really think you can just stroll in, demand answers from him and kill him when you're done? First that sound dumb to you?"

"Well, I don't care how it sounds, Barly. All I need are answers and revenge and I'm definitely getting it with or without your help". She huffed and zipped up her luggage.

"Lita please, you need to listen to me" Barly begged.
"I know you're angry; I know you're broken. But you need to calm down and think about this. There's just no way you can get close to this guy without being interrogated by his securities. Okay; let's assume you kill him. What happens next? You think they're just gonna applaud you and watch you walk away? That would be the dumbest thing ever".

"I don't care" #Lita mumbled.

"Well, you have to care! Going to that place is a suicide mission, Li. How're you gonna survive?? You don't even know anyone! You don't know about their rules, and trust me! There's just no way you can kill this guy! He's f*"king immortal!" Barly's voice resounded with an urgent anger, and Lita stopped walking but didn't say a word.

"You just can't kill him, Li" She continued, this time around, in a calmer tone.
"His flesh has received a million stabs; he's been poisoned countlessly - he could smell a poison from afar. He's immortal, Li. I wasn't joking when I said that".

Lita - backing her - sniffed and wiped the tear strolling down her cheek.
Barly didn't need anyone to tell her just how much pain she was passing through.
"Nothing can stop me, Barly" her voice wavered.
"I told you already".

"Oh! Come on, Li! You need to calm down...."

"Stop telling to calm down when you're there with your own family!" She snappily turned to the camera and shrieked.
The unexpected burst of anger startled Barly.

"Don't just sit there, Barly, in the comfort of your home and tell me what ad and what not to do. I'm sure you returned home to your healthy parents. Your dreams are still intact; everything you've wished for is still going just as you planned.

"But me, I returned to an empty home; to a home filled with nothing but death - a home that welcomed me to my parent's death!! I'm losing my mind, Barly! I need to see this guy drop to his knees. So, don't think you can just sit there and watch me! Do you understand??"

Barly was tongue-tied; all she could do was stare.

For the first time, she was seeing a different person in her friend. She was seeing a broken lady that was never going to back out. And she was seeing a lady that was definitely going to change.

Lita equally stared at her - probably knowing she had over - reacted, but wasn't ready to apologize for that. She stared at her, like she was expecting her to say something. But Barly was too muddled to that.
With tears stuck at the brink of her eyes, she sniffled and ended the call.

Exiting Jar's room, Daphne with the hourglass shape couldn't help but feel so much rage.
She had gone over to Jar's room with so much expectations, not knowing some brats were already ruining her plans. She had missed him so much and had planned on bringing back some sparks between them through the supposed intercourse. Why was it so difficult getting to him lately?

She walked down the hallway with that saddened face, the tip of her glittering dress sweeping the floor behind her.
She stopped when she spotted someone leaning on the edge of the wall - at the end of the hallway. Wasn't that....

Her eyes dimmed on confirming who it was. That was Iris. What was she doing there at the end of the hallway? Was she expecting a callback or something??

She increased her pace and zipped towards her. And there she was - in the same dress she had worn before leaving Jar's room. She looked elatedly and chomped a gum noisily.

"You brat!" Daphne twitched her hand and gnawed; her eyes sparkling even in that anger.
"I thought I told you to stay clear from him?"

"Ouch! Will you let me go, Daphne?" Iris winced and wriggled her hand from her grasp.
She had no beauty compared to Daphne - except for the pretty set of eyes she had.

Dressed like a servant in her ash colored dress - that was only long enough to stop at her knees - she chuckeled and leaned further on the wall.

"Why are you mad, anyway?" She rolled her eyes.
"Jar requested to see a live sรฉx. He told me to pick a lady and make out in front of him. Were you expecting me to say no to him and have my head decapped? Or are you just mad 'cause you weren't the one I picked?"

"You must be insane" Daphne huffed and Iris churtled in front of her.
She laughed so ridiculously, it only angered Daphne some more.

"Dear, Daphne" she sighed.
"I know you're beautiful; and I know you used to be Jar's favorite toy. But, how long will it take you to realize that Jar is bored of you already in bed? I mean, he's explored every part of you already is obviously tired of having the same routine. I don't even know why you named yourself his mistress. As far as I know, you're just a random lady he had more sรจx with. He never proclaimed you his mistress.
"Anyways, the earlier you realize you're losing your value in front of him, the better it would be for you. Take care" She blew an invisible kiss and tried walking away, but Daphne pulled her back.

The pain was evident in her eyes.

"Looks to me like you've forgotten I trained you, Iris". She whispered.
"I am the reason you work here, and trust me, I know just how to break you".

"Oh! Please, Daph..."

"You don't even have to push me" Daphne cut her off.
"'Cause I've been pushed to the wall already"

And with that said, she let go of her arm and walked away.


Second to Endon, the Warlock community was known as the most populated and strongest community. Ruled by the undaunted man called Salem, it was formerly the biggest community, but went second when Jar formed the Endon Community. He lost a lot of his servants, trustworthy warriors, and hardworking members. The fools left him to go join Endon. And for that , he was never going to forgive Jar.

If only he had an option to chose between killing Jar and becoming the wealthiest ruler, he'd definitely chose the first. Only the Creator knows how many attempt he's made on Jar's life, but the bastard wouldn't die. To think he just came out of nowhere and took over everything was the most disheartening thing. And to think he had to walk with a sling around his broken arm all because of Jar... It angered him the more.

He stepped into the room and met the older man, sitting comfortably with a book in front of him.

With his favorite hat over his head, he sat with his legs crossed and a stick of cigarette stuck between his lips. And noticing Salem's presence, he stared at him from the edges of his book.

"I can't believe you still move around with a book, Gedoni" Salem scoffed as he took the seat adjacent to him.

"Well, Well, Salem; Wisdom is always hidden in books" The sixty-five years old man replied.
Gedoni was sixty-five, but looked way younger than his age. Rumours had it he's been taking some supplements to make him look that way.
Of course! Who wouldn't know Gedoni? The man Jar had fought with to rescue the people of Obeddon from captivity. You could call him The Greatest Enemy.

He uncrossed his legs and took a long drag from his cigarette stick.
"How's your arm holding up?" He asked, giving a sideward glance at the arm sling.

"Just fine, I guess. All thanks to Jar". Salem answered, that anger having echoes in his voice.

"I told you not to attend that meeting, Salem. But young boys like you don't listen" Gedoni spoke with the cigarette between his lips, making him chew on it.

"I know, Gedoni" Salem shook his head.
"I knew #Jar was never going to accept that offer. I just went there 'cause I wanted to watch him die. I thought the poisoned water would kill him. Can't believe he survived that too".

Following, Gedoni chuckled and closed his book with his index finger stuck between it's pages.

"How can you possibly kill an Immortal with mortal means, Salem?" He leaned forward and asked.
"We all know Jar is immortal. What makes you think he can be killed off so easily?"

"So, what do we do, Gedoni? Just sit and watch him take over??" Salem gritted; but with a smile, Gedoni leaned back on his seat and continued reading from his book.

"What we need to do, Salem, is read and find the son of Jareth. He's the only hope we have for now". He said and Salem's brows arched.

"The son of Jareth?" He repeated.
"Who the hell is that?"

But Gedoni gave a scornful laughter - one that proclaimed victory.

"See why I told you to always read books, Salem?" He lowered his book from his face.
"Hidden wisdom lies in the pages of a book" he said while tapping the side of his forehead.

He let out a smirky smile afterwards and resumed reading.

"Jareth is a powerful demi-god - mean and ruthless.

"His powers cannot be compared to that of Jar's as that would be an insult to his name. He was the Most powerful being alive, and also an Immortal.

"His whereabouts are currently unknown and some people believe he's dead. But, the goodnews is - Jareth has a son".

He paused and puffed out smoke from his cigarette.

"Jareth's son is definitely alive, and is known to be as powerful as his father. But his whereabouts are currently unknown as many believe he loved going on adventures. I've been searching for him for a long time now, Salem. And soon, I know I'm going to find him. And when I do", he paused again and smiled.
"I'll flip him to my side and make him my best ally".

He chortled and continued reading.

Salem had to go mute for while as he tried stomaching the whole story. So, there was someone like Jar alive? Someone who could defeat Jar for them?
All hope was not lost, at last!

"How do we find this man, Gedoni?" He asked tetchily.
"How do we find this son of Jareth?"

And with that cranky smile of his, Gedoni replied:
"We read".

Faith Lucky โœ๏ธ
Love you all ๐Ÿ’‹๐Ÿ’‹๐Ÿ’‹

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