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CHAPTER 5(five)

🌷THE Lord

Lita could feel her heart beating so loudly in her chest. Her eyes began feeling so hot like they were staring directly at flames.

'Lord Jar', she thought. Wasn't that the same name her friend had told her about?? Was she beginning to see wrongly? Or was this just a mere coincidence?

"Honey, is there a problem?" The female corp asked gently when she noticed how keen Lita was with the object. But Lita was almost being traumatized and couldn't give a reply.


"I need some time alone. Please" she said with bated breath and ran up the stairs.

"Hey!" The male Corp tried going after her, but was restricted by his colleague.


"My God! I... I don't even know what to say about this, Li" Barly faltered.
"Although... that looks a lot like his name and symbol. As a matter of fact, IT IS his name. I just don't understand what it was doing at your father's deathbed".

"Oh! Barly; please, I need more explanations" Lita was nearly running insane from where she sat on the bed - her phone positioned in front of her.
She was on facetime with Barly and had showed the symbol to her already. But even Barly was confused.

"I know I told you I didn't believe in supernatural sh!t. But, this..." She paused and sniffled.
"Could this just be a coincidence? I mean, you just told me about this guy like some hours ago, and now; I'm seeing his symbol in my house right after my parents were murdered?? Talk to me, Barly. What's going on?"

But Barly could say nothing as she dipped her fingers into her hair.

"Barly!" Lita yelled, the shock of it shuddering Barly out of her quietness.
She could see the desperation in her friend's eyes and knew she needed to give her just what she wanted.

"Lita" she took in a deep breath.
"The truth is - from the stories I know, this guy called Jar, he always leaves his symbol each time he kills a victim. So, for his symbol to be at your parents murder scene, it only means he was responsible for it".
lita went silent for a few seconds, then scoffed with a tear rolling down.

"My God"it came as a pained mutter, her gaze lowering to the floor.
"Is this...is this even real?"

"Of course" Barly a chuckled - ruefully.
"I am a journalist, Xi. I don't just cook up my stories; I find them from genuine sources. So, if I tell you #Lord of Death #Jar and the Community of Endon exists, then it does. Trust me. Even the authorities know about him" she paused and sighed.
"I'm sorry, Lita. But this is the only explanation I can think of".

She went mute afterwards and watched Lita sulk.

"If....if all of these is true" she swallowed hard.
"And this guy really exists, why would he come after my family? Why would he....why would he want to kill them? Just what?? What business does he have with them?"

She buried her swollen face into her palms and wept.

"I honestly do not know, Lita" Barly sighed.
"But... Jar can only kill someone he has connections with. I mean, he doesn't just go home to home, killing strangers".

"And what connection could my parents possibly have with him?!?" She yelled tearfully.
"I've never even heard of this guy".

"Same way you've never heard of your relatives" Barly's reply nearly made her dumbstruck.
"Listen to me, Li" she leaned forward.
"I'm not trying to accuse your parents of nothing. I mean, they've been one of the coolest people I know of. But...if you look into this deeply, you'll realize you don't even know much about your parents. The much you know is the company they control and that's it - just business. You hardly know their friends, you don't even know a single relative of yours, Li! Remember when I asked you the reason your parents never introduced you to your relatives? You simply said they had told you they weren't important. Really?

"I know this sounds crazy, Lita; but right now, I just feel there might really be some connections between your parents and..."

"No" Lita cut in tearfully, her throat cracking.
"I can't believe this".

"They might not be related, Li" Barly continued .
"But I'm beginning to think this mysterious guy had a reason to kill your parents. They must have been people he had connections with".

A knock came on the door, making Shilah's weeping eyes go to it.

"Lita? You alright? How're you holding up in there?" She recognized the voice to be the female corp's.

She returned her gaze to Barly on the phone.

"If any of this is true" she sniffled.
"Then, he's a fool. He's a fool for taking a life he didn't give. He's a fool!
"Goodness! I don't even want to believe this!" She bursted into more tears.

"Lita honey? Could you please, open the door? Please?" The corp cooed from the other side after a failed attempt to go in herself.

"I'm so sorry, Li" Barly mumbled.
"To be honest, I'm totally confused about this".

"Lita?" The female corp called again, still turning the knob.

"The Corp has been knocking. I need to tell them everything" #Lita said as she ran her palm through her face.

"What?" Barly flinched.
"Lita, hold on. You can't just..."

"If any of this is true, then it means that bastard really killed my family. And for that, he should be arrested. Okay?!" She rasped.

"I know. But..."

"I need to go"
And the call was ended.

Quickly, she stood up from the bed and rushed to open the door where she found the female Corp - waiting.

"Oh! Dear, you finally opened up" the corp - Anna - said in relief.
She noticed the symbol in her hands.
"Is there a...."

"I think I know who killed my parents" Lita sniffed in.

Few Minutes Later,
And Lita was yelling round the sitting room.

"Why are y'all acting like I'm insane?? For God's sake! I know what I'm talking about!! This bastard killed my parents!!" She rasped raucously, her jugular vein showing up as she did.

"You just need to calm down, honey. There are certain things we have to consider" Anna gestured, trying to pacify her, but Lita wasn't buying any of it

"Consider?" She scoffed.
"Well, why don't you consider my parent's death?? Isn't that enough?? It's so annoying that you know of this guy, but don't want to believe he's responsible for this".

"It isn't like we just don't want to believe, sweetheart. We need to work with evidence" the male Corp said.

"What God-forsaken evidence are you talking about??" She yelled.
"This is his symbol right here!! Take a look! His name is boldly written on it! So, what other evidence are you talking about?? I'm not even asking you to lock him up already. All I need you to do is consider him a suspect, bring him over for questioning and see what happens! That's all I ask!"

"Dear, it's not as easy as you make it look. We need to follow protocols. And by protocols, we mean taking the bodies for autopsy and knowing what exactly happened to them". Anna interjected.

"Autopsy?" Ximena scoffed.
"Can you even hear yourself? You want to carry out an autopsy on a body that was obviously shot?? What the heck is wrong with y'all??"

"Miss Webster" The male Corp.
"Don't forget we still have some names and people to interrogate".

"What damn names are you talking about?? The hell! I just gave you a suspect, but you trying to ignore him and go for my father's associates??? Why not start with this so called Jar and see where that leads you? you expect me to bury my parents and relax for your investigations?? For how long will I wait?? I don't have such time!! Loneliness would eat me up and make me go mad Why can't you do something??" A stunned silence stormed in right after Lita's roar.
It was so deep; it reflected in their eyes.

Lita's heart skipped immediately, the thought of it all dawning on her. Her brows arched in realization as she remembered it - what Barly had said.

Oh, no.... She was completely right. Barly had been right the whole time.

It took her a lot of time to gain control of herself as she had gone completely weak.

"You're scared of him" the words finally left her lips in a mutter.
"You all are scared of him".

Anna had to glance at her colleagues.

"You know him, know what he's capable of. But you just don't wanna approach him cause you're scared of him. Barly was right. You're all scared little chickens!!" She yelled the last part, bursting into more tears .


"Don't call my name!!" She screamed out again.
"I hate y'all!! I hate everyone of you!! I hate you!!"

And in tears, she ran up the stairs to her room, grabbed her bag and stormed out of the house.

To be continued......

Thanks for reading to the end guys...I appreciate ♥️☺️

By faith lucky 💞

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