A place to learn and tell about #Macrophotography

I [@stresskiller] noticed the lack of a good Macrophotography community so i hope that i can create one for both the beginner and the more experienced ones.

I have been posting a lot on steemit in the past under @macrophotography because we didn't have the community option back then.

And now after being a bit active again for +/- 2 months on hive / ecency i noticed there are some comunities that tried others focus pure on insects and arachnids, and i want to do a broader aproach.

like flower details with water

or the head of an old seagate hardrive

or just flies

green meat fly

daddy longlegs

I have used all kind of things to create my macro's from extention tubes to reversed rings and now since a month i'm playing with ultra macro.

For me personally it is a great way to shut myself off completly from everything else in the world and be with nature for that hour in the morning even if that hour is in my backyard.

If you have the same passion for #macrophotography feel free to join , and make this community something with beautifull in focus details.

If you are just starting in macrophotography feel free to ask for advice i'm not a pro , I'm just a humble amateur who does this for fun.

Will there be challenges in the future , i would say why not will need to see how the communty develops before we rush in to that part.

Will there be a discord server ? Maybe, maybe i'll join an excisting server I'm currently already in a lot of discord servers i guess there is always one where we can rent a #channel 😁

All images are created by @stresskiller all rights reserved ©

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