Safe Space | Off Head

Hey there!

It's a calm Monday morning and I am currently doing a deep concentration session to focus on one task at time and not get distracted. I also learnt a new trick, which I'm using right now, which is to look at your keyboard while typing and not the words on the screen. It's supposed to help with distractions too because I easily get sidetracked by my own thoughts and then spend more time than necessary on something that should be simple and straightforward.

I had to think for a minute what I want to share today. I think I created this piece last Friday or maybe Thursday. I did a little running around town and grocery shopping during the weekend. Things are currently terrible in terms of cost of living and it was no shocker the central market in my town was almost empty on Saturday. I mean, the traders were there, but buyers, not so much. The cost of living has pretty much tripled in the last three months and now, the banks want to tax every $5 dollars you receive, couldn't even make it $50 or $100. It's technically not much, but for someone like me, who bounces funds from one of my accounts to another for the sake of convenience, that means I would pay a levy sending funds and another one receiving same from and to me. I don't want to give these vampires(the government) another source of income to lavish on themselves while citizens squabble all day to make ends meet.

A lot of these thoughts did weigh me down through the weekend. To top it off, I was on twitter and one of them 'influenzers' (well I'm not so sure but they sounded like one) posted on how artists must be disheartened about the current large numbers on sales of cryptoPunks and that sort of thing and nothing much going on with sales for individual artists. By the way, I was unaware that this was happening, but my point of focus was the comments section. There were artists saying stuff like I don't think about the money, I create art because I love creating art and I won't create art if I don't love it and that's all I care about yada yada....Well that in itself is all good but in this context, doesn't it presuppose that artists who are concerned about art sales are creating art for money and not because they love doing it? Personally I think it takes a position of comfort, privilege and/or delusion to hold such views. It reminded me of when artists were saying negative stuff about other artists who had become traders. I'm not a cryptotrader but I thought why should anyone care about that!? Feel free to become their patrons and then maybe you'll get a say on what they can or can't do. And the cryptoart space is so full of 'yayers' emboding the spirit of GM that indoctrinate you into staring at the flowers only and not the muddy waters. I see that on twitter, I see it on Farcaster, it's boring, superficial... I am back on bluesky and one of the first post I interracted with there was an artists complaining about how they sit for almost 12hrs making art and they need exercise, I was like "Yes! This is more like it!" And again, that's great to always be one + the plus side but don't ever try to push an elitist idea of what an artist should do or how they should feel.

It looks like it would rain, so I'm going to enjoy this morning. I have been yapping away for over 30 minutes so it's time to wrap of my thoughts. I had no intention to make this a long one but it sems this looking at the keyboard idea is working. This is the art I'll be sharing titled 'Safe Space'. When I was young we always had this confusion with the phrase 'by heart' and 'off hand' and so we would say, for instance, "I can do it off head". Off head!!! You would be dead thenπŸ˜…πŸ˜‚. I believe there are so many who still have these confused. So here, art is my safe space, there's a lot of techniques and skills I know bu heart. But doesn't it sound about right to also say "I can do it off head"?

Safe space too because I can do whatever I like and build up what I want

Safe Space is currently available as a free mint.

So let me know what you think? Should artists be concerned about making money with their craft? I love having money and the things it can buy like a vacation. I need a vacation!!!!😩 πŸ˜‚

Thank you for your attention and support. Take care!❀️

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