I've Been Busy| STFU | NFT Problems

Hello on a Thursday morning, I hope you are well.

It's almost 10: 30 am and I've been up for 5 hours and some. I'm a bit groggy, but my mind is stuck on this strange dream I had about... weeds? Yeah, weeds, I was about to attend some kind of class about them. The highlight of the event was that old school anxiety about my notes not being up to date. I was expecting that they'd be checked or something. Plus, I hadn't even collected the weeds we apparently needed for class. Classic me, procrastinating.

But here's the good part - even though I felt like I might be in trouble, there was something weirdly calming about it all. I think it was knowing exactly what I was in for, and that I wouldn't be the only one who was unprepared. There's comfort in company of others with same shared misfortune? I guess that could be it.

On Art?

I've Been Busy, 2024

I've been very busy lately. Very busy reading and it's pure entertainment. I try to get in a daily session of art with some expressionism. Start something new, finish up something or remix another....

And then I sold a couple of old pieces on opensea that had me giggling because I never knew anyone randomly picks out art on opensea anymore. Turns out it wasn't random. Someone was very much interested in 2019 Knownorigin niffties. That reminded me I ought to keep some of my oldies for myself too before it becomes impossible for me to access that shared contract with KO winding down.

SEEK TRANQUILITY, FOSTER UNITY, 2024 (which is a gif animation but for some reason isn't loading right now, hopefully I'll fix that)

Unfortunately, the process of sending stuff to my wallet made me realise how much could be lost if the Knownorigin site disappeared completely. The history info of when each piece was created, edition size was not on opensea. I searched but I couldn't find it anywhere else. Each subsequent mint appeared on opensea as though it had just been 'created' with no indication of the edition number. So yeah, anyone looking at that particular token would assume the mint date was the publication date.

And let's not even get into the problems with ipfs data storage and retrieval and that a few of my tokens don't have the associated image in view on other sites. Opensea simply states it's unavailable

Let's get into it a bit;

I feel sort of bad for everyone who owns one of these 'unavailable' tokens as well a sadness knowing more would become like this in the future, it is like my artprints(footprints, get it?😁) is being erased. I genuinely believe that in the future there would be better and more entertaining ways to showcase onchain collected art, so preservation is vital. I also believe I have been careless, a lot could have been solved by proper description and filling out traits like stating the date of creation, file type, size etc all that seemingly tiring stuff to type. I have been doing so since last year but I slack sometimes. Got to do better.

Problems problems problems. I can't wait to get back to being 'busy'. Imagine a complete noob asking what's bothering you right now and the answer is ''the image isn't properly pins on ipfs nodes so my token is 'artless'"Going forward, unless preservation is guaranteed, I am no longer minting art for sale. I would opt for subscription-like models with open or limited editions where you just give a token to collect at about $2 like the Zora zero mint system but even my spidey senses is telling me Zora's days are numbered so....

Okay got to go!

Thank you for your attention and support. Take care!

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