DAO for NFTShowroom.


I found a better use for funds, than the Artist Referral Program -- it's an ETH Collector attractor program.

  • Blockchain art exchange has a DAO where a percentage of all sales goes to its DAO.
  • Makersplace had thematic art collection projects, where you hoped that you were chosen, and then you got your thing bought or you won some ETH or DAI.

These are cool ideas, but they aren't complete, or sustainable.

The DAO needs to be used either as a bounty to incentivize Art Project Incubation, or Promotion:

Art Project Incubation:

Means creating a successful project:

  • Is there a Kickstarter campaign?
  • Is it Collaborative?
  • Is it promoted on Twitter?
  • Did you create a Cryptovoxels gallery showing?
  • Did you create an NFT Set?
  • Did you promote and sell that NFT Set?
  • Did you engage your audience in a compelling way?

Ideally this would be governed by the people who purchase NFTs on NFTShowroom, so purchasing NFTs also gives you governance clout over distribution of art grand funds. [Governance Token / System?]

Art Grants are sustained by percentage of sales going toward DAO.

Working within Opensea and using wHIVE, you can also attribute a portion of sales toward DAO on Colony.io.


wHIVE Promotion:

In the example where we have billboards all over Cryptovoxels, we have a hunt, where people can win wHIVE if they screenshot capture and have an NFT that they want to buy on Opensea announced in a tweet.

The idea is that we give away the wHIVE to ETH Collectors, who then buy ETH NFTs with wHIVE on Opensea.

Or, they could use https://www.whive.network/ and buy NFTs on NFTShowroom using this approach.

Technically, they could just dump it, but that's always a risk.


Take 10% of all sales, and transmute them into these integrated marketing mechanisms for attracting ETH Collectors, and seeding contests / bounty challenges to train HIVE artists to become better artists and project executors.

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