Criatura de sueños/Creature of dreams

The recurring dreams, many times seem good and enjoyable, like that typical dream where we can fly, other times mysterious like when we are escaping from something we do not know what it is. And other times it can be very bad, leaving you with a taste in your mouth that is hard to forget.

I usually draw the things that I dream, they are almost always very varied situations since since I was a child I have had an active imagination, I almost never have the same dream beyond some similarities between one and the other and when I have recurring dreams I try decipher them hoping there is "some hidden message" but that's not it, it didn't even make sense (although it was a dream, sometimes it's not even necessary to make sense of them).

Years ago I dreamed of this thing, as soon as I woke up I drew it because it seemed somewhat peculiar (although I was not that good at drawing) I only captured the idea because I did not give much importance to the dream.

I was in a very large corridor, and in the center was that thing, at first it did not do anything, it was just there, it barely saw me but always with a lost look. While I was looking for a way out of that place, little by little the room was closing, and I don't know why, but I felt that that creature began to give off a certain aura of hostility. Something remarkable beyond its so bizarre appearance is that in the place where his head must have been there was a rose from which something similar to blood flowed...his arms or should I say "appendages" had disjointed movements, they lengthened and shrunk and seemed move of their own free will, they had autonomy but they limited themselves to moving from one side to the other like a cat showing off its tail. One of his arms seemed to have been detached in a violent way, so much so that the flesh and bone could be seen, the part torn off (the hand) CRAWLED ON THE FLOOR like a spider circling around, one of his legs It was broken (I assumed that was why it did not move) and his other leg was a kind of sickle embedded in his knee ... But what really scared me were movements of his head (located in his middle leg), they were quite disturbing, the He was moving from one side to the other, from top to bottom and very quickly and even so the hat he was wearing did not even move from its place, as if it were glued to the head of that thing, his eyes were wide, bloodshot and he had a sadistic smile adorned with a tongue similar to the tail of a lemur ... My dream ended abruptly, between my abrupt awakening and bewilderment, without having the slightest idea what that thing was, I limited myself to drawing it while still half asleep (It should be noted that I didn't even finish it).

A couple of days ago I dreamed exactly the same thing again, (with a difference of 3 years from that dream). The room closing and that creature again motionless in the middle ... But with an addition ... That "thing" with a crazy look now had its chest open, there were no guts there, but there were eyes, many eyes that seemed to be under the skin of that abomination, now in addition to all his strange attitude his skin was moving like a sack full of worms ... perhaps the eyes were still looking for something to "see"...

There is no more detail, I woke up and that thing did nothing to me, almost the same result as years ago ... no ending, no lesson, but still it intrigues me why I dreamed that.

Los sueños recurrentes, muchas veces parecen buenos y disfrutables, como ese típico sueño donde podemos volar, otras veces misteriosos como cuando estamos escapando de algo que no sabemos que es. Y otras veces puede ser muy malo, que te dejan un sabor de boca difícil de olvidar.

Yo normalmente dibujo las cosas que sueño, casi siempre son situaciónes muy variadas ya que desde niño he tenido una imaginacion activa, casi nunca tengo el mismo sueño mas alla de algunas similitudes entre uno y otro y cuando tengo sueños recurrentes intento descifrarlos esperando que haya "algun mensaje oculto" pero es te no, ni siquiera tenia sentido (aunque fue un sueño, a veces ni siquiera es necesario buscarles sentido).

Hace años soñé con esta cosa, apenas desperté lo dibujé porque me parecio algo peculiar (aunque no era tan bueno dibujando) solo plasmé la idea pues no le di mucha importancia al sueño.

Estaba en un pasillo muy grande, y en el centro estaba esa cosa, al principio no hacia nada, solo estaba ahi, apenas me veia pero siempre con una mirada perdida. mientras yo buscaba una salida de ese sitio, poco a poco la habitación se iba cerrando, y no se porque pero sentía que de esa criatura comenzó a desprender cierta aura de hostilidad. Algo notable mas allá su tan bizarro aspecto es que en el lugar donde debió estar su cabeza había una rosa de donde brotaba algo parecido a sangre...sus brazos o deberia decir "apéndices" tenian movimientos desarticulados, se alargaban y se encogían y parecian moverse por voluntad propia, tenian autonomia pero se limitaban a moverse de un lado a otro como un gato luciendo su cola. Uno de sus brazos parecía haber sido desprendido de manera violenta, tanton que se veia la carne y el hueso, la parte arrancada (la mano) SE ARRASTRABA POR EL PISO como una araña dando vueltas al rededor, una de sus piernas estaba rota (asumí que por eso no se movia) y su otra pierna era una especie de hoz incrustada en su rodilla... Pero lo que realmente me asustó fueron movimientos de su cabeza (hubicada en su enttepierna), eran bastante perturbadores, la movia de un lado a otro, de arriba a bajo y de manera muy veloz y aun asi el sombrero que portaba ni siquiera se movia de su lugar, como si estuviera pegado a la cabeza de aquella cosa, sus ojos estaban desorvitados, inyectados de sangre y tenia una sonrisa sadica adornada con lengua similar a la cola de un lemur ...Mi sueño acababa bruscamente, entre mi abrupto despertar y desconcierto, sin tener la mas minima idea de que era esa cosa, me limité a dibujarla estando medio dormido aun (cabe destacar que ni siqueira la terminé).

Hace un par de días volví a soñar exactamente lo mismo,(con una diferencia de 3 años desde aquel sueño). La habitación cerrandose y esa criatura de nuevo inmóvil en el medio... Pero con un agregado...Esa "cosa" de mirada desquiciada tenia ahora el pecho abierto, no habían tripas ahi, pero habian ojos, muchos ojos que parecían estar bajo la piel de esa abominación, ahora ademas de todo su extraña actitud su piel se movía como un saco lleno de gusanos...tal vez los ojos buscaban aún algo que "ver"...

No hay mas detalle, desperté y esa cosa no me hizo nada, casi el mismo resultado de hace años atrás... ningún final, ni ningúna lección, pero aún así me intriga el porque soñé eso.

Well, enough explanations./Y bien, basta de explicaciones.

aqui esta el primer diseño/here is the first design

here I leave the process of the creature from three days ago
aqui Les dejo el proceso de la criatura de hace tres dias




Thanks for reading alien friends, until another time n.n

Gracias por leer amigos aliens, hasta otra ocasión n.n

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