A new kind of Goliath


In the Orion arm of the Milky Way Galaxy is a star, a yellow star, named Gruit, not unlike our very own Sol. So that makes us neighbours. Gruit has 7 planets orbiting it and the fourth one is what we are interested in.

Some have dubbed the planet Goliath and many wonder whether it is even a natural planet and not a complex machinery. Deep in the bowels of Goliath is where the complex machinery is put to work.

All the galactic waste and nearby intergalactic waste is processed here and assimilated into the very fabric of Goliath. It is not entirely clear who or what controls the transport of the waste to Goliath and who directs the operations at Goliath, for no discernible living beings are seen in the Gruit system of planets. But the next time you wonder where all the unwanted materials disappear, you know the answer.

The above image was generated with AI using VQGAN+CLIP with Google Colab and I used an initial image prompt from one of my earlier AI generated images as seen in the timelapse video. The prompts are entirely mine and the text above is mine too. The image was edited in Krita and upscaled on the bigjpg website.

Some of the images produced during this image creation are here :





Few upscaled and noise reduced images :



Here's the timelapse video :

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