An Enchanted Art piece with NFTShowroom


Hi Hiveians! Welcome! Have you ever walked out after the sun went down and felt this mysterious/magical vibe that the night always brings with it? Elves, fairies, magic, there are so many magical creatures that are so told to emerge in the mysterious, yet enchanting night.

This feeling inspired me to create my imaginary-based acrylic painting called:


This painting took me about a week to paint (since a week is about my average to make a painting of this size). I worked mostly on it at my easel during the night time to pick up that atmosphere a bit more. Besides, I find that the night time is a nice time to paint, since that time of day feels to hussle and bustle a bit less.


Yes! The mediums that I used in this painting were acrylics, a black ballpoint pen and also a golden ballpoint pen (for the flower). The NFT that I put up on NFTShowroom is the digital, exclusive version of the physical.

I have loved the idea of faires since forever, I mean, who wouldn't wanna have the ability to fly and speak with animals? In this painting, our fairy is one with nature and in my opinion, the fairies are the royalty of the night, on the nice side of the night. If you're talking about the royalty on the more sinister side of the night, it would probably be the werewolves... lol.

Total editions:

  • 1

Thank you for visiting my blog today! I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you next time!

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