Splinterlands week 257 | Cthulhu | Sketchtember day 6: Sea monster

I call this a major clutch on my part XD
It's almost midnight here and I am trying to at least catch up to my personal prompts AND I also wanted to join the splinterlands weekly art challenge since it's been a while since I've consistently joined. I call it hitting 2 birds with one stone.
For today's monster prompt, I have sea monster and I was pretty sure SPL had a lot of sea monsters in it, but me being myself, I decided to go for the classic so I chose the timeless Lovecraftian horror, my beloved Cthulhu! He has inspired many sea horrors, and to think, he even inspired a game card!


which is very loosely based off the card art XD
I mean, I did try to incorporate as many features as I could into it, but given that I wanted it to stay a sea monster kind of limited me there. And the fact that I tried to speed draw this one in just 3 hours was not the best way to go about it XD

Why'd it take 3 hours is... well... ink XD


I started off with my usual ink base because the tinted paper really helps me see the layers I work on much better than white paper, plus a colored base doesn't hurt my eyes as much as white does.


Then I just went directly to the colored sketch with my green pen because I really was trying to clutch today's prompt. I don't like being delayed, even just that 1 day really threw me off XD so I really want to catch up to that one day ASAP

Anyways, I worked on building up dimensions with a darker green pen I had. I might need to buy another one soon. Or maybe buy a whole set of colored pens because my existing ones are running out
Then this is basically where the green penning ended. After that, I worked on highlights and more shadows then I called it a day because I was pretty satisfied with my Cthulhu monster UwU

that will be all from me because it is midnight upon completing this little blog, and it is now officially my birthday and I am now 26 years old ;;-;; I don't want to grow old like this

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