Mirrored Songs


Have you ever heard a song and thought "This sounds just like XYZ?" Some bands just have a signature sound that is recogniseable no matter what. When I found this song, it bugged me. Literally for hours.

The guitaring was screaming "Nine Inch Nails" mixed with something else entirely. I liked it. The second time I listened to it, I liked it even more, but I just couldn't pinpoint which song it reminded me of. I enjoy her gritty voice. She teamed up with Shirley Manson from Garbage too on a song called Meet the Foetus. That one had a totally different kind of vibe. I like this one better.

I've got the feeling I can break
Out of anything that is standing in my way
I know the feeling I can take
The pain of losing teeth is better than defeat
I've got the feeling I can let go
Because it means that much to me to show you so
You're the reason I can stay
And fight until the death
'Cause what I stand for will not give up

Of course I had to find it because it was driving me nuts. So I trawled through Year Zero. The song it reminds me of is this one. The tempo of the two songs is different but there are marked similarities and I had to wonder if she had been slightly inspired or influenced by Trent Reznor. So I looked it up because - you know, useless information is fun.

Brody Dalle opened for NIN and Queens Of The Stone Age during their co-headlining tour in 2014.

So it probably wasn't just my imagination considering that her song was released the same year as the tour 😁

You wait your turn, you'll be last in line
This is the beginning
Get out the way, cause I'm getting mine
This is the beginning
God helps the ones that can help themselves
This is the beginning

How empowering are the words of these two songs?

I do so enjoy his lyrics and he's a musical legend. Did you know that he plays 25 instruments?

Anyway, this was a strange instance that I found cool and I got to add a new song to my playlist at the same time.

Let me know what you think, does the underlying riff sound similar to you or am I indeed going nuts?

I know that I've not entirely complied with the rules this time as I'm only submitting two, but figured I didn't want to dilute my post by throwing in one that didn't fit in. I'm just particular like that 🤣

This is my submission for #TTT #threetunetuesday by @ablaze.

Proudly AI Free, all original photos unless otherwise stated and sourced
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