
Beauty is such a wild concept. It can make us feel awesome but also totally freaked out at the same time. As a 47+year-old, I’ve seen how our society has this weird love-hate relationship with beauty. On one hand, we totally admire it, but on the other, it scares the heck out of us. Why? Because beauty highlights what we think is ugly or imperfect about ourselves. It’s like this huge spotlight on our insecurities, and yeah, that’s pretty terrifying.


In our culture, beauty is celebrated like crazy, but it’s also something people are scared of. The reason is simple: beauty makes us face our own flaws. When we see something or someone insanely beautiful, it reminds us of what we’re not. And that realization? It’s like a punch to the gut, messing with how we see ourselves and showing us where we’re not living up to our potential.

But beauty isn’t just about looks. It’s got this deep, almost magical quality that goes beyond the surface. It connects us to something bigger, something almost divine. It’s a reminder that there’s so much more to aim for in life. Beauty, in this sense, isn’t just about what’s pleasing to the eye; it’s about what lifts us up and makes us feel something profound.

One of the craziest things about beauty is how it shows us who we could be. Take a drop-dead gorgeous person, for example. Our first reaction might be a mix of “wow” and “yikes.” Why? Because their beauty shines a light on our own imperfections and unrealized potential. It’s like beauty is challenging us, saying, “Look, this is what you could be if you really tried.”

This whole confrontation with beauty can be super uncomfortable, even painful. That’s why some people try to escape it, maybe by drowning their feelings in drinks or other distractions. But instead of running away, what if we took on the challenge beauty presents? It could push us to grow and become better versions of ourselves if we let it inspire us instead of scare us.

Being afraid of beauty really means being afraid of facing ourselves and seeing where we need to improve. It’s like a wake-up call, pushing us to strive for excellence and to become who we’re truly meant to be. Beauty isn’t just something passive we experience; it’s an active force that drives us towards self-discovery and growth.

As we go through life, it’s important to see the power of beauty and how it can inspire and transform us. By facing our fears and taking on the challenges beauty throws at us, we can unlock new levels of personal and spiritual growth. Beauty, with all its depth and magic, is one of the greatest things we can align ourselves with, guiding us towards a more fulfilling and meaningful life.

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