Tapestry artwork: The hunter, his wife and his dog

Greetings to the community.

There is an adage in my language ( I am a Yoruba, of course) which when translated to English, reads "women are delicate species".

I may not be sure of what is obtainable in the culture of my audience, but we treat women like gems in my own culture and seek to please them 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This forms the storyline behind my artwork for today. Here is the picture below:

It was about a hunter whose wife got into a bad mood due to the reason best known to both of them :). The hunter tried all available means at his disposal to please the wife in order to lift her mood but all to no avail. He then decided to explore the last option.

Accompanied by his hunting dog and armed with a Dane gun, he set into the wild to look for a game that is capable of lifting the mood of anyone that is neither a vegetarian or an advocate against animal cruelty. In short, a game that will please any meat-eating human.

Nature smiled at him and in no time, he was able to make a catch. He got a fat antelope and with joy and optimism, he carried it to his wife in the village settlement.

How the work was carried out

The first step in carrying out this artwork was to sketch the concept out on suitable cardboard. Thereafter, the outline of the sketch was traced using a black thread.

After black thread tracing, the finishing of the work was done by using relevant colour threads to fix the colours of the setting. The colour fixing was done step by step for each colour.

....and then the framing of the work as the final step.

I hope you all enjoy my humble submission. If you are interested in my artworks, please engage me in the comment section below.

Thank you.

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