Happy birthday Dragon Ball style /[ENG-ESP]/ Feliz cumple al estilo Dragón Ball

Hola abejitas
Hello little bees

Muchas veces no sabes que regalar en un cumpleaños, y mas cuando justamente en esos momentos no tenemos casi ni medio de dinero para comprar un detalle jajaja, la creatividad no tiene limites cuando deseamos darle un detalle a nuestro ser querido, cierto?

Many times you do not know what to give on a birthday, and more when just at that time we do not have almost half of money to buy a detail hahaha, creativity has no limits when we want to give a detail to our loved one, right?

Era el cumpleaños de un muy adorable y dulce niño, llamado Siang, el padre conto con darle para su dia un hermoso detalle, que llevaba un conjunto y balon de futbol, pero aparte de ello, queria un detalle mas colorido para no darle su regalo tan blanco e incipido, y gracias a que es un buen amigo mio acudio a mi para crearle una ilustracion al estilo Dragon Ball, (La serie animada favorita de Siang).

It was the birthday of a very adorable and sweet little boy, named Siang, the father had planned to give him for his day a beautiful detail, which had a set and soccer ball, but apart from that, he wanted a more colorful detail to not give him his gift so white and uncivilized, and thanks to the fact that he is a good friend of mine he came to me to create an illustration in the style of Dragon Ball, (Siang's favorite animated series).

Sin ningun problema accedi y continue por preguntar los detalles y gustos del niño para incluirlo en la ilustracion, lo principal fue...

Without any problem I agreed and went on to ask the details and likes of the child to include in the illustration, the main thing was....

Color favorito: Azul.
Estilo de letras: Iguales a las del intro de la animacion.
Personaje favorito: Goku.
Estilo libre o Especifico: Libre a como lo desea crear.
Y, tamaño: En una hoja carta, normal.

Favorite color: Blue.
Letter style: Same as the intro of the animation.
Favorite character: Goku.
Free style or Specific: Free as you want to create it.
And, size: On a letter sheet, normal.


Pense en colocarle el personaje Goku en grande, originalmente nunca habia hecho uno, asi que al buscarlo encontre varios agradables, ese me llamo la atencion por la bara que sostiene, asi que decidi colocarle unos tirantes con una banderita que llevara el nombre del niño.

I thought of placing the character Goku in large, originally I had never made one, so I found several nice ones, that one caught my attention because of the stick he holds, so I decided to place some straps with a little flag with the child's name on it.

Fuente Goku

A crear... /// To create...

Para las letras me guie del intro, y ya que existe el Dragon Ball Z, y el Super y demas, coloque la Z en la palabra Feliz, y agregue la O de manera esfera de dragon de la animacion, que lleva 1 estrella, incluyendo las demas.... (Aunque me falto la septima esfera).

For the letters I was guided by the intro, and since there is the Dragon Ball Z, and the Super and others, I put the Z in the word Happy, and added the O of way dragon sphere of the animation, that takes 1 star, including the others.... (Although I missed the seventh sphere).

Utilice, mas que todo, Marcadores para que los colores quedaran brillates, y añadi delineados gruesos y definidos.

I used mostly markers to make the colors shiny, and added thick, sharp outlines.


Espero les gustara esta mini ilustracion de cumpleaños al estilo "Dragon Ball"... Un abrazo y saludo para ustedes abejitas.

I hope you like this mini birthday illustration in the "Dragon Ball" style... A hug and greetings for you little bees.

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