Waiting for you



What a lovely way to start the day. She is just dying to meet you. Again just a random drawing, evolving my style and my posts here on Ecency. I have been getting positive feedback from the community and I am looking forward to furthering my career here and off the blockchains. I have been getting some requests in real life, I sold a drawing the other day and last night I designed a tattoo for a girl I just met. That is a huge compliment for how much I have evolved as an artist and I’m so thankful for that.
My life is going good, living with my fiancé again is just wonderful, we’ve been working though some of our issues and are getting along.


I have a Timelapse of this drawing as well, I like posting these since they show how I draw and how I work in Procreate. I hope you enjoy watching


The runes that come in between are my way of trying to section the posts a little better. They are written in futhark runes and just say Page Break, nothing to mystical about that.


Me and @eythorthoto are looking into making a few collaborations in the future, he wants to keep writing about splinterlands and I have been thinking that it might be fun to decorate his posts with a little fan art, just to give it a little more character. I’m currently thinking about the logo he wants to make for his “Blue Ballers” team. It is the water based team as you might have guessed but so far I’m just not getting the inspiration. I might have to look into some cards and see what comes to me.


Anyway that’s it for me this time. I’m starting my day and really don’t feel like doing everything I have to do! Volunteers are welcome!!!

Lots of love as always

Amanda Yrr

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