Sun Date and Bringing Back the Memories


It has been a fantastic day today for the whole family. The sun is shining brightly and the clouds look so gorgeous. It's been raining this week so having the sun back feels so great!

As soon as I and my husband get up this morning, we decided that we will sneak out while the kids are asleep and go to the Nutts Corner. It's a Sunday Market. Mum and Auntie Rona are in the house if ever they get up before we get back.

And on our way, the view is just too good not to share.




That's a beautiful day right there. The blue sky says it all.

And when we reached Nutts Corner we are pretty sure that it was going to be full and we're not wrong.




Since it's still the school holiday then the place is crowded. Just look how many cars are here. Just £1 to get in but look how many £1 they can get every day for every car. Big money!

The clouds, did you see the gorgeous clouds in their beautiful shapes? What a cotton candy up in the sky!

I and my husband enjoy our wee date walking and checking different stalls. He always gets tools and anything to do with fishing even if he doesn't need it. He always says it will come in handy in time lol.

Then before we leave we got a burger and chicken curry and rice. I always come here for the food.


Then we go home and take Mum, Auntie Rona and the kids for a wee run in the van. Auntie Rona lives in Leeds, England and is here to visit my mother-in-law who is her sister. We visited her last month when we went to Blackpool.


Today we take them out where they used to live and to places that will take them back to their memory lane.

First, stop their old school.


This was built in 1926. I ask Mum why it's so small and she said those times there were not many children that go to school unlike now.

Whiterock Bay


That red boat is a restaurant. They serve fresh seafood. And many come to dine in there. It's been there for a long time according to Mum and Auntie Rona.

The Dam
This used to be a dam when they were young and now it's just a pond.




This is an interesting one and here's a story behind it.

When Mum and Auntie Rona were young they've been told by their granny that they are not allowed to take any money from strangers. So every time they were given money by other people they throw them on this dam.

There's a particular time that they will never forget. It's Christmas time and their neighbours give them 1 shilling each. It was a big money at that time. They accept it but they know that they can't take it home for granny will be raging. So they throw it again in the dam.

Until now they questioned each other about why they're not allowed to take someone's money that is given to them. While we are wondering where is the money now? Lol. It is worth more than its value now.

Then next stop we brought them to where they lived with their granny.


There's a new house built on it now but that's where it was. I was just listening while they are reminiscing the past. Pointing to the field and what they've done. People they knew wonder if they are still living or dead now. Talking about the ex-boyfriends and the place where they used to dance. They were having a great moment and it's beautiful just listening to it.

And then we went to this loch. Mum said there's 3 lochs and her granny named them, faith, hope and charity. But only faith is visible.


Nobody owns this now. So everyone can come and enjoy fishing. There's Tia and Jigz.


Then we take them to The Mill where Mum used to work. To the Manor House where their granny used to work. Their granny also worked for the royal family as a cook.


That's a massive place. It's sitting on 200 acres of land.

Then before we go home we visited Dad in the graveyard.


Mum is quite emotional as it's been a long time since she last visit Dad here. She's not fit to walk about so she's happy that we can run here too.

This is the first time Auntie Rona see the graveyard. She wasn't able to come when Dad died. She's teary-eyed as well.

But I don't want to see them crying so I and my husband tell them something stupid to make them laugh.



We show them those kettles and tell them what it's for. I said,

"It's very quiet here as you can see so they having a tea party at night."

Just in time when we see an empty bottle of milk from afar. Hahaha. They laugh and we almost convince them that that's what is it for lol. But in case you want to know, that's for watering the plants.

And that's how our Sunday went. Mum and Auntie Rona said it was a fantastic day and that they were delighted to be able to see their childhood places and bring back those memories again.

What a lovely Sunday!

Thank you for reading.

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