Beautiful Exmouth: The View from the Open Top Bus


A not to be missed experience if you're visiting Exmouth. Step on board the Stagecoach and climb up to the open-top bus and you will feel the breeze and enjoy the best view ever while winding the scenic street of Exmouth.

We were in Exmouth last month as we visit Haven Devon Cliffs. We are already enjoying the place as it's great for kids and family. We want to see the town and even though we have our van to use we decided we should try the open-top decker bus that we see roaming around most of the time when we are out.

We just wait for the bus at Haven just like the rest.


Then pay the fare. That cost us £18.30 for our family of 4 and that's a return. That's cheaper than paying individually.


Then off we go. Kids are excited and we are ready!

Look at those smiles!


I can tell you it's brave height in here. It feels scary but at the same time, you have the best view of everything. Oh and the breeze! The fresh air and the sun is trying to balance up as it's too hot that day. Glad we have our caps and hat on and we didn't forget to put on sunscreen.


I'm enjoying the VIP seat up there and the kids keep pointing out all those interesting things they seeing.

I love this! Look!

The Tythe Cottage


That's a bar and restaurant.
And look at this house!


Can you see that unique roof the Tythe Cottage and this house have? That's what we called "thatch roof". Thatched roofs last longer than ordinary roofs and provide excellent insulation.

Oh, forget about the roof let's go and see the beach! Look at the crowd. Whoah!




You know that the weather is good when everyone is out on the beach. And that would be us too! The joy of summer.

There is plenty of entertainment here.


How about ice cream? Anyone?


Oh, lovely!


I can picture me and my husband sitting there enjoying the sunset.

And look at this land train lol!
That's so cuteeeee.


And look at the crowd, they surely had the best time of their life. What's more to ask? Music, sun and a pint in hand. Cheers!


We get off the bus and had a walk in the town.

What a beautiful town! I and my family enjoy the open-top bus. Best experience with the bus so far!


Thank you for having me on board. I hope you enjoy the ride and our sightseeing.


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