Social Media Detox: Life beyond phone screen


Hello everyone! For this blog, I will walk you through the callowness of the farm or mountains I’ve seen during my visit and stroll here in the Northern Part of Cebu located in Managase, Tabogon. My family was invited to go to our relative’s place for a birthday celebration. I had to go with them because who could ignore such free meals and a good view? Besides, I could also use the break from using my phone and be on socials.



We arrived at the place during lunchtime, only to find out that it was supposed to be dinner. It was cool since they were our relatives(my mother is pretty close to them), and we ate the meals that had been cooked first.

We stayed at this tree house they had built beside their house. As you can see on the side, the pig is yet to be cooked into a lechon. The elders talked, whereas we the youngsters just ate and sometimes listened to them.

They decided that we should just wait for dinner, I was confused whether I should just wait as well or go home. I thought about going home but that would mean I would only use my phone so I decided to stay.


On the way there, I saw the picturesque view of the place and it was refreshing. I thought I should travel and stroll around later. And I did. An hour or two after we finished eating I borrowed my father’s motorcycle and wandered around the place.


They cleared out this side of the mountain lot, I heard they would construct a subdivision here. It hurts a bit to see the greenness of the place being slowly turned into brown. I can definitely see this place in the near future turn into grey.


Strolling and going outdoors has been a fond of mine lately. Desperate to get off from social media and mobile phones, I had to do the things that distract me. This is by far the best decision I’ve made.

Residing in the province, the absence of lush greenery in the surroundings was not found. This view is too breathtaking to be disregarded over the world we could find beneath the phone screen.


The freshness, greenness, and the earthy smell of the place had been a great help. The calmness of the trees swaying with the fresh air did not fail to make me wonder. There could be so much in the world besides this.

Great things are around the world, we could only find it once we’re on the right track. This path I’m taking on right now (choosing anything over the phone and social media) could be it. Because of this, I am now more keen to know and explore the greatness and uniqueness of the world.




After I toured around the place, I returned to where they were. I accompanied my cousins when I saw them go down the mountain farm. We saw this mud hole with the carabao resting or bathing on it. They playfully grabbed the rope which I think disturbed the carabao. They ran.

We stayed there for a while— the kids ran and played around whereas I just sat and watched them. It was great until we felt the air blow coldly and the cloud gets darker. It was about to rain. So we headed back to the house.



The moment we set foot under the roof of the house, the rain started pouring. We stayed inside and had snacks. They chitchatted and I just listened until the meals were cooked and dinner was served.

After the dinner, we bid our goodbyes and thanked them for the invite. The day ended nicely. It was a good escape from using my phone the whole day. The same way goes for my younger sister and cousins who have got to take a break from their phones and enjoy nature.


Maturing is realizing that our parents are right, "It is that phone". The world is wide, and life is short. Putting our phone down for a while won’t end it. Rather, it would be the beginning of greater things. Not only could we unlock our potential in this life, but we could also explore and enjoy the spectacular things in the world—especially nature.

If you got this far reading or skimming, thank you. See you in my next blog!

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