My Wednesday Walk: A Trip Through Pit And Puddle

Today, on my way back from work I decided to take a road I haven't been to in a long time. I usually take public transport to work, but today somehow I felt like trekking so here I went.

At some point I was impressed with the good state of the road even after a long while. But after covering a distance, what I saw next broke my heart. What!

This section of the road was too bad, and caused a lot of hassles for both vehicle users and commuters. A lady was splashed on dirty water.

I learned that that particular location has been dilapidated for a very long time. Government's attention has been drawn to the road but no action has been taken so far. The worst of it all is that a damaged truck is parked across another side of the road which has been a factor in the daily chaos on the road.

For the record, we have good roads here in Akwa Ibom state, Nigeria. In fact, the state has one of the best road networks, just a few broken ones like this that require repair and maintenance.

Although I was disappointed in the state of that part of the road, I was glad I took the trip. I witnessed what other people go through everyday trying to navigate that road to their various destinations. The surprising thing is that, there’s hardly any case of collisions or accidents on that road. That shows motorists and commuters are always patient and extremely careful when trying to navigate their way through the pit and puddle.

All photos are mine.

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